Mason's Mom (Mother's Day Special)

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[Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there, real and fictional!]

Mason laid in bed for a bit longer that morning, pondering everything he knew. 'I thought she was gone.' he frowned sadly, looking at the photo that Fredrick had given him a few days ago. No matter how much he denies it, Mason would still have to admit that the woman in the photo did look hauntingly like his late mother.

Well, at least he thought that she was late.

She died in a car accident when he was just a boy, didn't she? At least that's what his father had told him.

His eyes narrowed at the ceiling from the thought of his father.

Yeah, on second thought, maybe his father was just as much of a liar when Mason was a kid as he was when Mason turned nineteen.

It had felt good to cut his throat back then.

There was a knock on the door, followed by a few softer knocks. "Belle, you don't have to knock on the door! It's your room too!" he called as an invitation. The door opened, and Belle walked up to her husband, closing the door behind her with her foot. "I'm sorry, but you just seem so... distant today. I wasn't sure if... uhm..." she trailed off as he sat up, noticing the photo in his hand. Mason set it down on the nightstand and beckoned her closer with a charming smile. "Sorry, love, I didn't mean to. I was just thinking about something." he opened his arms for her, "And by doing that, I think I denied you of attention as well, so come over here before I tackle you, darling."

Belle giggled and went in for a hug, immediately getting snatched up and turned onto her side by Mason. They remained in the sideways hug for a long moment, Mason resting his head on hers during the embrace. "You're such a cuddlebug." Belle smiled affectionately once she realized that he wasn't going to let go anytime soon. "Would you prefer something else~?" he whispered into her ear. "No no, no! This is perfect!" Belle blushed, quickly replying with a few shakes of her head. Before Mason could sneak his hands anywhere further, she quickly changed the topic. "So, that photo you've been obsessing over, who's in it?" she asked, pressed against his chest. Mason stopped all motion, surprisingly to her, and backed his face away a few inches. "I think... I think it's my mother..." he told her. Belle's eyebrows furrowed, "In the picture that Fredrick gave you?"

"Yes. In a picture that was taken recently."

Belle's eyes couldn't have widened more. "Your mother is...?" she hesitated. Mason nodded with a despaired smile, "I think she's been alive all this time."

"Mason, this is wonderful!" Belle smiled widely, sitting up after pulling herself from his grasp excitedly, "It's more than wonderful! We have to meet her!"

"We can't, love."

Belle's excitement deflated. "Why not?" she asked with concern. "Think about it." Mason sighed, "It's been almost... twenty or thirty years since I've seen her, maybe, and I've grown so much. I've changed. I'm not her little monster anymore. I've lied. I've manipulated. I've stolen. I've murdered. I killed my own father, for fuck's sake!... She might not even recognize me, or want me back. What if she hates me? Hates what I've become, and everything I did?"

Then, in a scared whisper, "What if she doesn't like you or Max?..."

Belle pulled Mason's chin up and kissed him tenderly on the lips. After a second, Mason kissed back. Belle pushed the kiss deeper until Mason was too caught up in reciprocating the loving gesture to think about anything else. He pulled his wife into his lap at some point and pressed their bodies together to further the action.

Eventually Belle separated the kiss, disconnecting the string of saliva between them before Mason could see it. "You're worrying too much, Mason. You've told me before about how amazing and loving your mother is. If she's exactly like how you said she is, then she'll be so, so happy to see you. I know she will."

Mason hung his head, nestling it in the space just above her chest and causing her to blush a little more. "I hope you're right." he gave a muffled response. "I am right. Since when have I ever been wrong?" she combed her fingers through his hair. Mason's eyes rolled upwards to look at hers, and Belle scoffed. "You know what I meant! Accept the support, you tree!" she said, half offended. Mason smirked deviously, "Maybe I won't. Maybe I enjoy seeing you flustered a little to much to accept your support."

Belle puffed up her cheeks at the tease. "You lovable jerk! You're lucky that I like you!" she tried to frown. Mason wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her. "You think I'm attractive, is what I heard~." he whispered before planting two kisses behind her ear. "M--Mason! No!" Belle whisper-yelled, quickly catching onto what he was doing, "It's almost noon, and it's my turn to make lunch for Max! Mason, get your hand out of there!"

Her husband didn't obey and commands she gave him, simply giving her more kisses in a half-hearted attempt to persuade her. "Fine, we can tonight! Just not now! God, you can be so needy!" she half-heartedly scolded him. "Only for you~." he nuzzled her again, taking a break from the kisses, "And I'm getting out the ropes this time."


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