A Sub Search

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Characters may belong to creators, but this story using them belongs to me. No harm is intended by use of these characters, just giving them some adult pleasures.

There is no way possible for me to convey the 100% true feelings, trust, and devotion involved in the BDSM lifestyle. I hope that no one is offended by the way that I portray this lifestyle and its choices, and please believe that I would never purposely do, write, or say anything to make this lifestyle or the choices of those in this lifestyle seem bad. I truly hope that you all enjoy this fictional shot.

And if you're not old enough to vote, you're not old enough to read this fiction. Begone

Brief Summary: Riddhima is a Domme who is in search of the right sub. After several profiles are searched she interviews two. Go through the interview with her, and see how her test weekend with her potential new submissive works out. Is he the right one? BDSM theme.



As I sit at my desk going over the paperwork one more time, I begin to wonder yet again if this is the right decision.

I'm forty-one this year, not married, no kids and instead of looking for my soul mate, I'm going over paperwork and reviewing the soft and hard limits of several different applications to be my submissive.

Angre and Ishani sent applicants profiles over for me to go over. They know that I am currently looking for a new sub, and since I am very selective, according to Angre, they have sent over more then two dozen applications and profiles for me to review. I went over and eliminated all but three so far.

Angre is my mentor and he is the person who trained me to be the best domme I could be. I'm not a submissive person by nature and I like being in charge.

I enjoy control; it is the way I am.

I picked up the phone and dialed Angre's number, with the intention of speaking about the profiles, I have selected.

On the third ring, I am very surprised by his greeting; he knew that I would be calling.

"Riddhima, I have been expecting your call today. How are you?"

A breathy laugh escapes my lips, at how excited he sounds.

"Angre, I am doing well. I have gone over all of the profiles you sent over. I have found three that strike me as good choices. You and Ishani did great in your choices of profiles for me to see," I said matter a factly.

"I am always here for you Riddhima. I may have been your mentor, but I am also your friend. Ishani thinks of you as a sister and you know how much she loves you," Angre tells me.

Ishani is Angre's wife and has been his submissive for more than ten years.

"I love her too, and you know that you both are like family to me. Thank you, both of you, for always looking out for my best interests," I tell him lovingly.

"You are very welcome, now on to your choices." Angre says getting back to business.

"Ah yes, my choices," I glanced down briefly to the profiles. "The profiles I have decided to interview are Kabir Sharma, Sejal Dixit, and Vansh Malhotra," I told him.

"Sejal Dixit is no longer available, I am sorry for not letting you know sooner. Sejal accepted a fulltime submissive role with Rahul and Riya," he informed me regretfully.

13 Shades of Desires ✔[Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon