Pt. 23

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This one is for the crystals bitchs

Who buys you crystals every day?

(^O^)Aries: tengen, he buys you all the crystals you want ;-;

╰(*'︶'*)╯♡Taurus: muichiro, he buys you a little crystals everyday 

(−_−;)Gemini: rengoku, he buys you big crystals everyday

ಠ_ಠCancer: sanemi, he buys you crystals so you leave him alone

(ᵔᴥᵔ)Leo: tanjiro, he buys you crystals  cuz you asked

(╹◡╹)Virgo: akaza, he buys you crystals cuz he secretly loves you 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Libra: Zenitsu, he buys you crystals everyday cuz he is SIMP

ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃScorpio: doma: he buys you crystals everyday just because so he can eat you with more crunchy

( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )Sagittarius: shinobu, she buys you crystals everyday cuz she loves your face and your laugh -she doesn't care how ugly it is:)-

٩( 'ω' )وCapricorn:  muzan, he buys you crystals everyday cuz he wants to

⊂((・x・))⊃Aquarius: giyu, he buys you crystals everyday cuz he loves you too much not to

|( ̄3 ̄)|Pisces: kokushibo, he buys you crystals everyday cuz he secretly loves you:/

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