Chapter 4 Caught

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Chapter 4 is finally done being edited. This chapter is full of suspense i hope it keeps you on the edge of your seats!! xD thank you for all of you who leave comments, send messages and favorite this fic! keep in mind i know that you all want the next chapter to come out as soon as possible I will try to update every day, every other day, or every 2 days. so yeah enjoy!!

Just as Clementine pushed the door open to the comic book store Mike called out to her "yo clem, Carver

is on his way over here."  Clementine hurried inside of the comic store. Closing the door behind her.

she didn't know if Bill was going to come in or not, and  had no idea as to what she was going to do, or say if he did caught  her standing around in the comic book store. . Quickly she hurried to the bookshelf she had last left Luke and stopped seeing a huge pile of blood which was fresh; her heart began to pump fast.

"Luke?" she called out softly, and waited to hear a response. Carvers footsteps where heard just outside the door, there was no time for her to look for Luke, she needed to hide  and hopefully avoid being spotted. Clementine quickly put the food under the pillow and turned around; her heart nearly jumped out of her chest as the door handle turned, and the door slowly started to open. she hurried and ran toward the first bookshelf in the room kneeling down and steadied her breathing. There was a click clack sound followed by voices

"so you said a walker got him?" one of the voices said in a disgusted way. Clementine's eyes widened, could they be talking about Luke? or could it have been someone else who had gotten eaten by a walker? The next voice that spoke which appeared to be Bill

"yeah, after he fell the walkers took care of him, there wasn't shit I could do but watch." The voice chuckled lighting "I wasn't going to risk my life to save him."

"no way."  Clementine whispered and continued to listen. Once she listened more, she found out Bill must

have been lieng to someone about the way Reggie died, She didn't know much about Reggie, but he was

a nice guy, and he didn't deserve to die the way he did, especially over some stupid berries. If she she

could have she would have stood up and told the truth, but who knows what Bill would have did if he

discovered she had been hiding out in the comic book store, instead of in the pen where she was

supposed to be.

 "I brought you here just so i could speak to you about Alvin, Since i have him in my office

tied up, i just want for you to know what i plan on doing to him in the next few days." Bill spoke in a low

tone, however since it was quiet in the room Clementine could hear him Clearly until Kenny started to

hammer something and shout things to Mike as they both laughed and talked about fishing. Clementine

rolled her eyes in annoyance, the moment Bill was going to say something she needed to hear, Kenny

decides to start hammering a damn fence, the only thing she could do was move closer to them so she

could hear what he was saying, she slowly inched to the edge of the table and waited picking up as much

information as she could "in a few days i'm going to beat the shit out of him with my fist, weapons and

just anything i can find, and as he breaths his last breath i'm going to Call the girl uh, whats her name?

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