Murray Bauman

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Seventeen year old Will Byers and Mike Wheeler pulled up in Murray Bauman's driveway at 9:30 pm. Jonathan and Nancy suggested him because he was a "good detective" but that wasn't the reason. They suggested him because he's a supposed "love doctor" and they've been waiting for them to admit their feelings for each other.

"You ready?" Mike asked, looking to Will in the passenger seat. Will nodded and opened the door and got out. Mike got out after him.

They walked up to the door and pressed the doorbell.

"Look at the camera." Murray's voice sounded from the speaker. Mike squinted his eyes and looked at the speaker thinking it was the camera.

"Not the speaker! The camera above you to the right!" Murray's voice sounded again. Mike and Will slowly looked up to the right. They heard the door unlock and saw a middle aged man with glasses and a beard. "Will Byers. Mike Wheeler. Come on in."

Mike and Will glanced at each other before walking inside and sitting on the couch and Murray sitting on the chair in front of them. Murray opened a bottle of vodka and poured it in three different cups, one for the each of them. He took a sip of his own then stared at them.

"Uh, Will. Show him the tape." Mike said. Will pulled a recording device out of his pocket and pushed play.

"This is what we scientists call and oopsie. You see, we were experimenting with science things and.. accidentally opened a gate to another dimension that we call the Upside Down." Dr. Owens, the scientist spoke from the recording.

"Okay, and should you.. warn the people of Hawkins about it?" Will asked, in the recording.

"Oh, no. No, no, no. Imagine this getting out to the public." Dr. Owens chuckled. "They'd take us down for good. That's why we need to keep this hidden. Hide the truth—" He continued. Will pressed pause on the recording. Murray nodded and took another sip.

"Is it.. enough?" Will asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Murray asked.

"Is it.. enough.. is it.. incriminating?" Will continued. Murray shrugged and took another sip.

"Whew that is strong." He said, getting up and going to the kitchen. Will turned to Mike and Mike looked back at him.

"Is he serious.." Will said standing up and heading for the kitchen. "We have proof right here, and you're just sitting here.. drinking vodka?" Will exclaimed.

"Yes." Murray said as he poured a bit of water in his drink.

"What, do you not believe us?"

"It's not about if I believe you. It's about if they believe you." Murray replied then took a sip of his vodka. He sighed a content sigh. "Perfect." Will rolled his eyes.

"We water it down.." Mike said from the couch and stood up, joining them from the kitchen. Murray nodded.

"What?" Will asked.

"We water it down.. make it more believable." Mike rephrased.

"Exactly." Murray said, snapping his finger and pointing at Mike. They exchanged a few glances before started to work on their project to "water it down".

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