Secret Admiror

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The next morning I wake up to the sound of chirping birds I look at the clock and "OH CRAP IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" I rush out the door as fast as I can still in my pajamas and the bus had just passed my house I rush inside and get my stuff and my bag and rush back outside to see...sano? "sano? How do you know where a live?" I ask "I live a crossed the street and seen you were in a rush so I thought I could give you a ride to school. Do you want a ride?" He asks me "sure but can I get changed first?" I ask answering him back "sure but make it quick we have to be at school in 5 minutes" he reply's "ok I'll be right out". After I get ready I get into sano's car and we start to the school. When we get there I thank sano for the ride and enter the school. I walk to my locker and as I open it some sort of love note falls out. I pick it up to find out that it is a love note and it says "to my darling kuro" with a cute heart next to it. I knew it was prom season but I didn't know that someone would want to ask ME kuro out for prom at least that's what I thought the note was about. I open the note to see a paragraph about me. The paragraph says " dear kuro, you are my one and only and I love you very much. You don't know who I am yet but I'm sure you'll be pleased when you figure it out. If you figure out who I am there will be a very loving thing waiting for you when you figure me out, and with that I shall be off. Until next time my love. Your secret admiror" I think it's very cute and adorable and I have some guesses on who it might be but i can't get ahead of myself. I drift into a trans until another note falls out of my locker again. I am very surprised about there being two notes. This note says " dear kuro, you are the smartest and cutest girl I know. Will you go to prom with me? Your secret Admiror." I immediately get flustered and turn into a tomato but just then my best friend kono shows up poking me in the shoulder wondering what I'm so red about " hey kuro why are you a strawberry? Is every thing ok?" He says looking over my shoulder at the notes "ooo are those prom notes or do you have a secret admiror?" He says excitedly "noooo go away kono. Stop being so nosy!" I say clearly flustered "jeez ok sorry but Seriously who are those notes from?" He says "I don't know actually they are just a couple of love notes I received. One is asking me to go to prom and the other is Exclaiming there love for me." I say clearly very happy about it. "Oh well can I read them?" Kono asks "sure!" I say while handing them to him. He then reads them and starts to smile as if he was a little kid on Christmas Eve. " these are so cute! You should say yes!" He says very very happily "but kono I don't even know who they are and even if I did I there are two of them so I would probably not even know who to pick." I say "yea I know but maybe you could ask them to meet up with you since prom is in two days." He says nervously "yea actually that's a good idea kono!" I say very happy "well I should head off. Class starts soon see you later!" He says happily but nervous.

Hi guys I really appreciate you guys for reading this through! I hope you like this part and just a friendly reminder that there will be three more parts to this series! Since this is my first fan-fiction I'm a newbie and not really good at writing but anyways I hope you enjoyed this Part! (Wow 709 words!)

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