How do they help when you're stressed?

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BF: Cuddles, sweets, tv and self-care.

GF: Shopping, cuddles, sweets, movie marathons and self-care routines.

Pico: "Who the funk hurt my baby?!-", he gon fight someone in your name, and then hug the shit outta you... after self-care.

Senpai: Hugs, sweets, boba, and self-care routines.

Hex: Baking, basketball, cuddles, self-hecking-care-, and music(if it helps.).

Ruv: Earthquaking the shit outta whoever makes fun of you, ice cream, and sleep.

Sarv: I c e  c r e a m, hugs, running the masses, and sitting in the garden.

Whitty: Sitting in the alley to calm down, singing Lo-Fight until you're calm, and hugs.

Carol: Singing, snuggles, boba, and painting.

Garcello: Being consumed in hugs, singing, McDonalds, and painting.

Annie: H u g s, walking around the city, singing, and drawing.

Julian: Hugs, food, movies, and pillow forts.

Nitty Gritty, Monster, and Starecrown:  T h e y  a r e  t h e  s t r e s s.

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