Chapter Three: Cat's Cradle

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Henrik's Pov

Me and the girls were in the Brew and we were currently looking through a box of Ali's things that Em managed to get from her house.

We were hoping that we could find something that could help us with everything we're dealing with.

"Ok, my mom is not connected to a cockatoo" Hanna said.

"Parrot" Emily said.

"Whatever" Hanna scoffed.

"Well, that bird is connected to Ali, Ali's connected to Wilden, and Wilden's connected to your mom and us and stuff we don't even know anything about" Aria explained.

"My mom may have hit him a little with her car, but she did not kill Wilden" Hanna said.

"Of course not" I said and Spencer nodded.

Hanna sighed and went back to going through the things.

"Hey, how's your shoulder?" Aria asked, looking up at Emily.

"I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow" Emily smiled.

I smiled at her and nodded before flipping through one of Ali's old notebooks.

"Why would you take all this stuff?" Hanna asked.

"I took the bird stuff and the rest of the junk to get past Mrs. Dilaurentis with Ali's notebooks" Emily explained.

"We learned so much from what Ali wrote down in Em's bio book. Who knows what could be written in these?" Spencer said.

I nodded at that as we continued going through Ali's old things.

We had to find something that could be useful to us. Something, anything, that could help.

"Aww. Eat, bake, love" Hanna smiled.

I raised an eyebrow and turned around to see what she was looking at.

A smile made its way onto my face when I saw mom sitting on the couch with her new boyfriend, Zack.

Mom looked absolutely happy with him. And he's happy with her. They make each other happy.

I'm so happy that mom managed to move on after what happened between her and dad.

"They look cozy" Spencer said.

"Yeah, they do" Aria nodded.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, causing my sister to smile at me.

"How's Jake?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"He's nice" Aria nodded.

Me and the girls looked at her unimpressed, causing her to sigh at us.

"No. Seriously, he's nice. We're seeing each other tonight" Aria smiled.

"Great" Spencer nodded.

"Well, you don't have to say it like that" Aria said.

"I didn't say it like anything" Spencer defended.

Aria rolled her eyes, causing me to chuckle, before we both turned back around to look at mom and Zack.

They were talking about who knows what, but they were both smiling and laughing, overall having a good time.

"Is it weird to be jealous of your mom and twin brother's love life?" Aria asked.

"A little" I teasingly said, earning a playful smack to the arm.

We went back to going through the box since we still had to find something that would be useful.

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