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AU: Main AU(?) 

Main Character/s: Laxon Dreyar, Scarlet ???

Creator: Comet

Warnings: Pining, Heartbreak, One-night stands, Cursing, are-these-even-warnings

Synopsis: LaxScar in a Enemies to Lovers AU

A/N: It's not really the canon AU, but I don't know what else to call it so yeah.


"The act of loving someone who loves you; a love returned full."

Confusion fills Laxon's mind. All his life, he has had many girlfriends and lovers. And all of them left him. One by one. "Why?" he would always ask. The answers differed. "Money." one would say. "Looks." another would say. "Popularity." yet another answer. "For jokes." one more answer. And it broke his heart. Every time. Until his heart was no more. And he played. And played and played and played. And it became a routine. A chore. That's all there was to it.

For Scarlet, that is an emotion that xe would never expect a certain someone to feel for her. The certain someone who she has been watching from afar. That certain someone who has seemingly never left xyr mind, even when ranting about how annoying that someone could be at times. The someone who always has a girl hooked around his finger, always seen with a girlfriend or two. And Scarlet was never one of them. She didn't expect to be one though.


This is the feeling Laxon felt for a certain demi-girl. The same girl he occasionally talks and hangs out with, even when he claimed of hatred towards the demi-girl. And even when they had more than just a couple of "one-night stands," he continued what he thought was hatred for her. He was sure it was hatred. Even after more one-night stands, small contact, more conversing, it was hatred. ... right?

Scarlet was bewildered. After eye-fucking, skin contact-fucking, and more fucking, did that mean her special someone liked xyr? Or was she but a toy? Xe didn't know. But she still didn't expect for the someone to love her like xe did.


And months later, both finally feel the same.


"A strong desire to hold someone in your arms."

The so-called enemies ended up having the other as love interests. How ironic. Well, look on the bright side, they confessed.... after a very very very long year of pining. 

And thus,


SIDE NOTE: heavily inspired by an ao3 fanfiction:

SIDE NOTE 2: Shit post 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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