Pt 2

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(The next day)

W: *breaks the 4th wall* H-Hey pls be careful at times to not get the answers wrong or Am will-

A: Ok, today we're going to get something for Grandma.

W: Ok...

A: Click on the meat store.

A: There it is! Good job!

W: Ok, so...

A: We need to say to the meat man what we need.

(Types in H E L P)

A: *groaning creepily* Incorrect.

W: Uhh...don't you think we should...ya know...go somewhere else to buy another thing apart from meat...?

A: No. Grandma's favourite food is meat so we need to buy it. Now.

A: Type in what we need.

(Types in P E A S)

A: Incorrect. Say what we actually need. Now...

(Types in M E A T)

A: Good job! No we can- *cracks neck*

W: Oh my gosh, are you ok?!

A: Mwahahaha...time to kill you

W: Wait, pls don't hurt me we're friends!!

A: Ok, whatever...I was gonna murder the meat man anyway.

A: Come here, meat man...

MM: Please, you creepy version of Dora, don't kill me please! *screams*

A: Finally, you're dead...

W: *Runs away*

W: Hopefully I'm safe from her....

(He ran off into the cold of night, trying to get as far away as possible so Amanda can get therapy and calm herself down.)

W: Maybe I'll stay here for the night...but wait...I'm lost!!

(So that's when Wooly realised he ran off into the middle of nowhere and was lost)

W: Guess I have to deal with it now...

A: Where are you Wooly...? *laughs like a freaking maniac*

To be continued...

Amanda's backstory//Amanda the Adventurer//Possessed Amanda AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now