One hell of a wife ( Jackal x Lucy )

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( This is not a spoiler since I have not read the manga )

- 3rd person's p.o.v -

It was an hour past midnight and Lucy still wasn't able to sleep. She kept on moving around in her bed, thinking about her encounter with the demon, hoping it was just a dream but as she rolled up her sleeves she knew it wasn't for she was greeted by the red marks he had left there. Marking her as his, like she was some kind of property one could own and throw away when they pleased. ' Tsk. I can't believe it. ' anger now filled her mind. She wanted nothing else but show him she could win against him in a fight ' When I see him again I'll show him that I'm strong enough ' and with that thought fresh in her mind she drifted to sleep.

" Luceee, let's go on a mission! " the celestial mage was woken up by the whining of a certain dragon slayer that had stuck inside her house as she was still sleeping. " I'm not in the mood, Natsu " She replied coldly while standing up and entering the bathroom leaving a confused Natsu behind. He couldn't understand. Was Lucy denying him? She had never said no to him before. What had happened, was she angry at him? Had he done something wrong?

Questions roomed around his mind and before he realized she was already out the bathroom and heading to the guild but something was off with her and he knew it even if she denied it. She never wore long sleeved t-shirts.

" What happened Lucy? " he shouted while chasing after her, making her walk faster. " What happened to you? " He repeated this time running after his blonde friend yet he got no reply. Only as he held on her arm for her to stop running he got an answer; Sadly not the one he was looking for. " None of your concern. " she snapped her arm away from him before running away in the opposite direction.

Natsu stood there dumb footed for two minutes before deciding leaving her alone would be the best he could do. ' Maybe she's in her days... '

On the other side there was Lucy who kept on running and running as fast as she could until she felt like her legs could not handle it anymore. She didn't pay attention to where she was heading to since all she put her attention in was in not letting the tears fall down while being near Natsu. She did not wanted to show him how much it hurt her that she was not able to beat him yet she did not wanted him to get hurt because of her. This was one thing she had to do by herself.

" Are you lost " She heard a voice mock as she looked up, realizing she had no clue where she was besides the fact that she was in the middle of a forest. " Who are you, show yourself " She demanded as she looked around, searching desperately for the source of the voice. " As you wish " the figure stepped out of his hiding spot and smiled at her sickly. His black eyes piercing her caramel ones.

'N-no... ' She moved backwards. Regretting ever asking her question, regretting running away and most of all regretting not having Natsu by her side. There he stood, the monster that had hurt her so wildly not many hours before was back and resting his back against a tree checking her from the head down as he licked his lips sickly. " You don't seem so happy to see me " he mocked as he walked closer to her, stretching his hand to touch the cheek from whom he had claimed as his the night before.

Immediately, she pushed him away and searched for her keys. " I open thee, gate of the maiden, Virgo "she chanted as in a split of a second the pink haired girl appeared. There was no time to loose in asking her for punishment since she could already tell for what she saw in Jackal's coal black eyes that Lucy was in danger.

Fists collided, magic and curses was used, punches were thrown, pain was caused in both sides but at the end of it all, the one standing and smirking was him.

She screamed all the air out of her lungs, knowing that the battle was far from won as she tried getting away from the curse he had cast; something called ' spiral bombing pain ' . A spell so deathly it would end blowing her up her even quicker than expected.

" N-no " She mumbled, tears now falling freely from her eyes as he held her trembling body by the neck " I have t-to show hi-im I'm stro-ong enough " She kept on repeating the same words over and over in her head as he twisted his hand so she could get a bit of air and not die right then and there. He did not plan on asphyxiating her... Not yet. " Why? " he asked as he brought her closer to his face. Using his tongue to lick her cheek, getting a taste of her tears. " How do you do to keep all that courage inside while being so physically weak? " His expression changed from the mad sadist she knew to a whole new person. He seemed like a kid who's eager to know something; a secret that has not been trusted to no one but him. " W-what do you me-ean ? " She asked between breaths, not understanding if she should be flattered or insulted; maybe both. " Tsk. Don't mind, an idiot like you is not worth my time anyway. " As soon as he ended, her body started glowing and her eyes went white.

" Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos...

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...


Urano Metria! "

Light shone bright, illuminating everything at it's reach as a massive amount of magic send his body crashing trough many trees to finally fall face-first into the dirt far away from her. She panted heavily as she tried standing up, her body was covered in bruises and cuts and her throat ached each time she inhaled or exhaled air. Part of her clothes were thorn apart by his attacks and the red marks he had left on her were now at clear sight; just like parts of her pants that were tore almost to the point of being nothing but shreds; strings of cloth covering her panties.

" See, this is what impresses me the most about you, your such a fragile creature yet have such a wild and dangerous side inside. " A smile was plastered on his face as he rose from the mud, dragging his feet towards Lucy slowly, as if he wanted to give her some time to recover. " I see my marks are still there " His black eyes wondered through her body and an unsettling feeling filled her gut. " They will fade soon. " She replied coldly, determination written all over her face. " No they won't. " he licked his lips sickly, making sure she was seeing him " I won't allow it ".

" I hope thee, gate of the Twins! Gemini! " her voice echoed against the trees, making the summoning sound loud and clear. " Gemi , Mini you know what to do " Lucy told her spirits as she took out her whip. She was done with this. She would end this for once and for all. Jackal could do nothing but stare at her in awe as she, together with a copy of herself tried beating him up.

He completely forgot about his injuries and pain, for all he paid attention to was Lucy's body as she whipped him. He would not hide it anymore, the reason why he had attacked her at first... he enjoyed it. Being beaten and beating someone up. It turned him on in a much deeper way than sexually. It made his heart pound fast, his cheeks burn up and his body to become tense and then relax, releasing a pleasure much better than anything he had felt before.

Ever since they first met or better said first fought against each other he could feel it. He had chosen her to be the one to please him. He had already decided.

The badly injured Jackal suddenly grabbed Lucy's whips with his hands and pulled on them, causing both Lucy and Gemini Lucy to fall face-first into the floor and without even blinking, he started cursing bombs all around them. Her shrieks of pain each time she got hurt only pleasing the twisted little fantasy of his even more. His eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he forced the gate closure of the twins and she was left helpless. Alone to his mercy. " You, Lucy Heartfilia will be one hell of a wife for a demon like me. You just can't imagine how much fun we're going to have... " The deep sound of his voice pierced her ears as he knelt down to her bleeding body, earning her glare as he grabbed her from the neck. Blood fell freely from her injuries, mixing with the salty tears that rolled down her eyes, painting them red while he forced her into a kiss. Her first kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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