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I woke up to my phone buzzing and found it under Zoella's pillow just in time to answer. "Hello?" "Come over." "When?" I responded knowing it was Jordan and losing all hopes of it being Kalob. "Now." "Ok, I'll be over as soon as I can." I said suspiciously. I told Zoella where I was going, she said ok but she seemed like she was still asleep so I left a note.

When I got to Jordan's I just about left immediately.

Kalob's car was there.

I would've turned around but Jordan opened my car door. "Shut it and leave me alone." I said looking at my steering wheel. "You need to work this out. "Yeah, on our own!" I said putting my car back in drive hoping he'd leave but, he didn't. "Come on." Jordan pleaded me to go inside. "No." I said sternly. "Please!" "You have ten minutes." I gave up and got out of the car. "Yay!" Jordan said and I gave him a death stare which immediately whipped the smile off his face.

I walked in and immediately regretting I turned around and tried leaving but, of course, Jordan was right behind me, stoping me, turning me around and pushing me through the door. "Go, talk." He said seriously. I walked in and Kalob turned around. "Are you gonna let me finish my story?" I said sternly looking straight at Kalob. "What?" He said annoyed. "I'm done." "Elena!" He called back for me. I swung around, "What? I'm done I'm not going to let you be like this because I had a vision over Jordan! I can't control the memories, THE MEMORIES, I get back! You should care, care I'm remembering-" "Just finish your story." Kalob interrupted me. "Fine." I said rolling my eyes.

"That's what happened, nothing you should worry about, be jealous! It was actually a pretty sad vision I don't know if-" Once I started crying Kalob cut me off with a kiss. He pulled away, "Wait," he turned to Jordan, "you helped Caitlin split us up?" Jordan stood silent. "Jordan...?" I trailed off. "I'm sorry!" He blurted. "No." I said shocked.

That was it.

I couldn't help it, I started crying and ran out. "Elena!" They both hollered for me. "Jordan, how could you! You know he makes me happy." "Elena, Just get away from him." Kalob said running up behind him." "Kalob, not now." "Elena." "Kalob! I don't care how much you hate him he's my friend. So just let us talk." "I love you and I don't want you around someone that could hurt you." "Same." Jordan said. "What?" I asked completely shocked. "I don't want you with Kalob." "We all know that." Kalob snapped.

"Choose." Jordan quietly said but, loud enough for me to barely hear. "Ok, I'm going home." He grabbed my hand and I jerked it away and slapped him. "Don't touch me." I snapped. "Not like that." I looked into his eyes then, into Kalob's. Tears started forming in my eyes, everything became a blur. "Elena." Jordan said. "How?" I said, my voice shaky. "Who you want to be with." He said. I froze, letting my tears escape I looked at Kalob. "Kalob?" I said in a slight whisper. "Do it." He said softly with pleading eyes.

I broke.

I left and went back to Zoella's.

One again, I had to pull over and cry, I let it all out. I let out everything from yesterday and today. It's not fair. He can't do that. Neither of them can. Kalob has gone out of line with Jordan before but, Jordan hasn't gone this far with Kalob and Kalob hasn't gone this far with Jordan. I know they hate each other but, I never saw this coming.

Do they care?

Is this just a competition to them now?

What is this to Kalob?

What is this to Jordan?

We're they thinking?


All these questions filled my mind which made everything worse.

Eventually I calmed my self down enough to make my way far enough until I had to pull over again to answer Jenna's call. "Hey. You ok?" There was silence until I broke in to a shaky crying, "No." Letting sobs out. "Come back and we can all talk." "Ok." I hung up and made my way over again. When I got there I ran up the porch and straight into her living room. I was piled with hugs, handed tissues, ice cream, and more hugs. " do you want to talk about it?" Mary-Cate asked sitting down next to me with blankets. I nodded yes. "You don't have to." Leah said. "I know." I said. I knew I could cry and wait but I thought it'd help if they knew.

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