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AN: Warnings for implied toxic relationships

Hey it's Suitcase, here's the copy of the report outline! So sorry I got to it so late!!

It was sent at four thirty-nine in the morning.

Taco couldn't help but be concerned; why the hell was Suitcase still awake so close to when many kids their age would be waking up for class? Taco hadn't even been up when the scrawny girl had sent the outline, she'd only seen it when her alarm went off over an hour later.

She gripped the straps of her backpack, listening to OJ ramble on about Salt pestering him again, but it was slowly turning into background noise amidst her thoughts.

Was Suitcase doing okay?

"Uh, excuse me?"

The group of four glanced around, noticing Suitcase shuffling up to them, Taco noticing the small girl's eyebags had grown darker. "Uh, sorry, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"No, not really, don't worry about it," Taco reassured her. "Did you need something?"

"Uh, kinda? I wanted to ask..." Suitcase trailed off, her eyes drooping slightly as she stumbled, shaking her head before trying again. "I was wondering if..." The scrawny girl suddenly collapsed on the sidewalk, laying on a heap on the concrete. Taco quickly rushed to Suitcase's side, as her friends began panicking.

"Oh my God!" Pickle cried. "Is she okay?"

"I-I think she passed out!" OJ exclaimed. "Should we call somebody?"

"Hang on! I-I have smelling salts!" Paper quickly dug in his bag, pulling some out and handing them over to Taco. "Taco, here."

Taco mumbled a quick "thank you" before tearing the salts open, gently waving them under Suitcase's nose. She eventually started to stir, her eyes opening as she groaned quietly, slowly moving to sit up. "Ugh...huh? What's going on?"

"You passed out," Taco informed her, speaking slowly and quietly as she moved to help Suitcase up, the scrawny girl leaning against her slightly. "Are you okay? I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to accidentally offend you or anything, but you look like hell."

"I-I'm fine, I'm fine, just...didn't really sleep last night," Suitcase mumbled. "Or the night before that, or...well, I guess I haven't really slept that much lately."

Well, that explains why she looks so tired all the time.

"Well, I'd be a complete asshole if I just let you go to school like this," Taco said, shifting Suitcase so that she could walk alongside her, turning to her friends. "You three go on ahead, I'm gonna walk Suitcase back home so she can get to sleep."

"N-No, it's fine, really," Suitcase quickly stuttered, trying to move away from the blonde-haired girl. "I can just go by myself if it's—"

"Suitcase, you literally just passed out while trying to talk to me," Taco interrupted her. "I am not going to risk having you faint in the middle of a crosswalk or something and getting yourself hurt. I'm walking you home to make sure you'll be safe, and there's nothing you can say that's gonna make me decide not to."

"She's right about that last part," OJ informed Suitcase. "Taco is the most stubborn person we know. Once she sets her mind on something, there's no changing her mind."

"Oh, no one asked you, orange boy," Taco scoffed, turning back to Suitcase. "C;mon, let's get you home, okay?"

"I...okay." The scrawny girl was way too exhausted to fight it any longer, stumbling alongside Taco as they both made their way back to Suitcase's apartment building, the blonde girl dragging the brunette into the elevator and pressing the button for the top floor, keeping a gentle yet firm hold onto Suitcase as the elevator ascended, the ding echoing slightly as the elevator doors opened.

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