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The first trial was the 50-meter dash. 

Tenya Iida vs. Asui Tsuyu. Iida won with 3.04 seconds, Tsuyu got 5,58 seconds. 

Ochako Uraraka vs. Ojiro Mashirao. Mashirao won with 5,49 seconds, Uraraka got 7,15 seconds. 

Tomashii was next. SHe got paired up with Toru Hagakure. 

She got in position to run and waited to start. She pushed from the ground and ran as fast as she could, she had been training for running quickly without feeling too tired. So she could run pretty fast for a bit before she would wanna throw up. 

Beep. "5,41," the machine said when I passed it."

She waved away a piece of hair from her face. "That wasn't good," she thought. "The president wouldn't be proud of that."

She got to her classmates and got some questions if she used her quirk. 

"No, my quirk would make things qorse in this test," she chuckled. "Believe me."

The rest of the class did the test and they moved on. 

Trial number two: grip strength. 

Tomashii did her best and got 73 kg. Her grip strength last year had been 59 kg so she was okay with 73 kg. 

Trial three: Standing long jump

Tomashii managed the middle of the sandbox and cursed. Both Bakugou and Yuga Aoyama cleared the sandbox. 

She got in second place after Minurou Mineta in the fourth trial, repeated side steps. 

Fifth trial: Ball throw. 

Uraraka got infinity, because of her quirk being able to go on forever and ever. 

When Tomashii walked there some people seemed to be expecting ehr to use her quirk. But seemed dissapointed when she only threw the ball 77,46 meters and didn't use any quirk. 

Finally it was Midoriya's turn. Tomashii noticed the sweat on him and the way he seemed more nervous then anyone here. 

After all, she thought. He have been last in all the other tests so far. 

Then his expression changed and he looked more determinded. But the ball only went 46 meters. He stood in pure shock. 

"I erased your quirk," Mr. Aizawa said. 

Mr. Aizawa contnued, "It defies reason. How did you somebody like you manage to enter this academy?"

Midoriya realized which pro hero he was and the rest of the students mumbled. 

"From what I observed... You can't rein in your quirk's full power. Meanwhile, you can't use it effeciently at all. Did you believe someone would come save you after you crippled yourself again?"

Midoriya started stuttering an explaination but Aizawa used the scarf to drag Midoriya towards him. 

(A/N: I literally am too tired to write this whole ass, boring conversation between Aizawa and Izuku so please pretend it has happened when I continue the story. If you don't remember this just read it in the manga or watch it in the anime. I think it's episode 4 or 5. However pretend they had that talk and Izuku did the '100% in only one finger' thingy.(btw he got 705,3 meters).)

"Sensei!" Midoriya called. Everyone turned and looked at him. His index finger was broken. "I... I can still move!"

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