Chapter 102

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Chuuya felt reawakened, the grasp of the ability controlling him had distinguished, his mind felt clouded and hazy, his body sensed danger but confusion rang at his newly developed location.

The rest of his lucid mind caught up he grasped beginning to perceive his predicament, travelling skyward, reaching his nape ran unsympathetic water coating his limbs.

Sinking like Quicksand he was being devoured as he reached to attempt to halt the oncoming flood with gravity manipulation he became distracted by the reverberating vocalisations of his ex partner. Traitor.

"Chuuya, this is also my farewell to you. It's unfortunate that it had to come like this. Dazai held the microphone like a vice keeping his voice concentrating to keep his breathing laboured and centre

Further across another individual was forcefully suspended into the inundate rising. The expanse inky strands become saturated framed around their nape as their frame and features met defyingly upwards to Dazai voice pervaded around the surveillance.

"From the seven years, since we met. "All we've done is quarrel with each other". Chuuya pupils dilated as the familiar voice of his ex partner reverberated.

"Now that I think about it, There we're moments when our hearts reached out to each other" a soft exhale re-echoed.
"like"... Dazai murmured then looked towards the screen watching the rising levels advance the locked escape room.

Sorry they're weren't really any! Well then goodbye~ dazai triumphantly hummed.

"Dazai I'm going to"-before chuuya could utter his death wish. Chuuya took one last gasp before he submerged, the painful choking felt like a forbidden memory as he chocked the water tasted sweet. Deuterium Oxide flooded into his intellect. He attempted to kick his appendages but fell fatal to the task.

Chuuya last attempt was to manipulate the Water, Raising a palm he trembled as a surge began to ignite around his being.

Holding his breath he attempted to manoeuvre attempting to weaken the water. Excretion began to overtake his body leaving him to float detached to his own ability.

"Are you really going to die like this? Dazai hollow voice vibrated. "Such a pity I honestly thought the impossible chuuya nakahara had more stamina then to be controlled by the devil."

Synthetic laughter left without enthusiasm voiced, as he began to grip chuuya palm hindering movement. murmuring consistently.

Chuuya strived shaking his head, His mind was plaguing him with illusions, A faint plea to lull him to his death.

"Brother.. I've been waiting for a storm, This storm, I never knew what outbreak, what conflict, this storm would materialise. I'm starting to believe we are in the eye of the hurricane as we speak chuuya.

Verlaine shifted holding chuuya shoulder in a constricted manner, eyes pleading him to listen as he began to mumble incoherent.

Chuuya body twitched, hand raised towards ear as he grit his teeth to drown the continuous babbles from the two occupants. A soothing palm caught his left arm preventing him from shielding himself.

A familiar fragrance washed over him, An umbrella propped beside him sheltering him from the simultaneously words as a feminine voice rang.

"Listen to me Chuuya, You crave Unification, you protect you're subordinates, Please I know you tried to save me but remember the bosses and you're live comes first to me. Please don't die for me" Koyou cooed bringing her hands to caress Chuuya cheeks.

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