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- Chaeryeong, wait! -she hurried to say, causing the aforementioned to immediately turn towards her.

The minor took a few steps back until she was facing Ryujin again.


-Will you come next Saturday?

Chaeryeong was taken aback by the question. she had been going to the store every single Saturday for the last three months.

-I will do it.

Chaeryeong lightly shook her head. She looked worried and Chaeryeong couldn't understand why. -Promise -the minor frowned- I just... I need you to promise that you'll come.

Chaeryeong tried to deduce what was causing Ryujin so much so suddenly, but since she couldn't even imagine it, she just tried to calm her down, so that she would return to normal. To the carefree happy Ryujin.

-I promise to return next Saturday, Ryujin -she said in her sweetest and most sincere tone.

"Thank you," she said trying to give her best smile.

Chaeryeong for her part gave him her most beautiful angelic smile to the point where her dimples stood out noticeably.

The next seven days were eternal for Ryujin. Each minute. she couldn't get Chaeryeong out of her mind. All the things that had happened. She had to be prepared for whatever was going to happen. she straightened her navy blue uniform, put the gray beanie that Chaeryeong had given him over her straight hair, and headed to the mall.

"You arrived early," said the manager with the keys in her hands, beginning to open the premises for the day's work.

"Yeah, I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep," she said with a giggle. Actually, she had barely been able to sleep during the night.

The working day began. And Ryujin tried to keep her head occupied with anything else, anxiety was eating him up inside. To her luck, she only had to endure a couple of long hours before seeing that silhouette go through the entrance door to the place. she sighed in relief, because after all Chaeryeong kept her promise and introduced herself, but she was still paranoid nervous.

Chaeryeong walked up to her like it was nothing. Ryujin watched her expectantly. When they were face to face they were speechless staring at each other. the younger did not understand why Ryujin did not greet her effusively and happily commenting on the first thing that came to her mind as usual. She decided to be the one to break the silence, before it became more awkward.

She said a little shy.

Ryujin heard her voice and realized that she was frozen. She shook her head slightly and gave him a nice smile.

"Hello, Chaeryeong," she replied.

The younger barely frowned. she wasn't acting like usual. she handed over the CD that she had taken upon entering the place. The older one took it in silence and made the payment. All very quietly. Chaeryeong wondered if she had done something wrong to make Ryujin so distant.

-You want to have lunch with me? she asked, looking somewhat hesitant.

What kind of question was that? Of course she wanted.

"Sure," she said seriously, but with determination.

They went into the small room. They sat face to face at the small table in the place, Ryujin brought her lunch and began to eat it, although that particular day she did not have much of an appetite. The air in the room was very tense, almost palpable. Ryujin barely looked at him, that hurt him greatly. Just a week ago they were so close and now it was as if they barely knew each other.

The Girl with the CD'S  [ ryuryeong - short story ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ