Chapter 6

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Startled, I try reaching out to the presence in my head, but get no response in return.

I flinch when I feel Mateo's hand on mine, he must have took the chance to get closer while I was distracted.

"Mira, are you alright?"

I glare, pulling my hand away.

"I'm fine." I back up and sit on the bed. "Ten minutes Mateo." I say, an eyebrow raised.

His eyes widen, tilting his head slightly, confused.

I sigh, "Ten minutes to explain the situation, before I throw something at you."

He nods, quickly coming closer and sitting next to me.

" I swear nothing happened." He looks away for a quick second. "She's a friend that maybe liked-."

I give him a blank look. "Liked? Uh huh, go on."

"All she did was hug me, and tried other things..." I frown. "But! I stopped it all, I told her about you."

Once he was done, all I did was stare, which made him shift uncomfortably.

We sit in silence, when I start feeling the presence again, but it felt much more violent and angry then before. I take in a few breathes trying to calm myself and the presence down.

"Mira? Are you okay? Your eyes are flickering." He says softly.

I hold my head in my hands.

"Mat, I feel another presence in my head."

I lift my head and see his eyes widen.

"What?" I say, sitting straighter.

"Was there a voice?"

"Yes...when you came in with that girls scent on you."

He smiles, and suddenly grabs my hands.

"It has to be your wolf. She must have been jealous." He stops."Jealous?" His voice comes out so soft i barely hear it.

"Is she mad at me?"

I look at him in disbelief. "First of all, of course she would be. Second how is this even possible, and why does she show up now? I've bever been able to communicate with my wolf."

He rolls his eyes. "Until now." He pauses, whispering. "What did she say?"


"You're a terrible liar"

I roll my eyes and shrug.

Theirs a sudden knock at the door that startles us both. Mateo gently sets my hands down and walks towards the door, opening it.

"Yes?" Mateo asks.

"Alpha, your cousin, Niran is here."

The Sun and MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora