It's Over

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Back in Orchid Bay, the doctor was willing to see Doretha without an appointment. The doctor already got a urine sample from Doretha, who was in the waiting room with her excited fiancé.

"Oh, this is a dream come true!" Chotu squealed. "We're finally going to be parents! I can already see Junior and how handsome he is."

"Slow down, Chotu," Doretha chuckled. "We don't even know what the results are, much less if this supposed baby is a boy or girl."

Suddenly, Dr. Jackson called, "Doretha Flores?"

Doretha and Chotu entered the office. Chotu was anxious to know the results.

"I've got your pregnancy test results," Dr. Jackson said. "I'm afraid it's negative."

Chotu's heart sank. "Negative?" he asked. "But I've been at this for almost a year."

"It sounds to me like you've got infertility, Chotu," Dr. Jackson said.

"What's infertility?" Chotu asked.

"When I hear that word, I usually think a woman isn't healthy enough to conceive," Doretha replied.

"Men can suffer infertility, too, Doretha," Dr. Jackson said. "You're healthy enough to conceive, but Chotu is holding you back because he's infertile due to premature ejaculation. Infertility can be caused by health problems, but it doesn't last forever—it can be temporary."

Chotu was disappointed—he was sure he'll never get to have any sons that look like him. Once Chotu and Doretha reached their cards in the parking lot, Chotu said, "I can't believe it. I was looking forward to having sons, and we can't even have any kids."

"Don't worry, Chotu," Doretha tried to console him. "The doctor said your infertility might be temporary. Besides, just because we can't conceive, it doesn't mean we can't still be parents. After the wedding, we'll just adopt a child."

But Chotu really didn't like that idea. "Adopt a child?" he huffed. "Are you crazy? There is no way I'm going to be a father to a kid who's not even my biological kid."

"¿Que?" Doretha blanched.

"I wanted a song who looks just like me, and an adopted kid doesn't look like the person who adopted it," Chotu spat. "Oh, I can't believe I dropped out of college for nothing."

"What?" Doretha gaped.

"When you graduated from college, I dropped out, so I could be with you, but it was all for naught," Chotu revealed. "I can't believe I proposed to you for nothing."

Doretha didn't like where this was going. "What are you saying?" she asked.

"Doretha, I'm sorry, but I can't marry you—the wedding is off," Chotu replied.

Doretha's heart sank like a ship in a stormy sea. Chotu had just broken up with her, and all because he couldn't get her to conceive. "Oh, okay, fine," she said, trying to hide her disappointment. She took off her choker necklace and engagement ring and handed them back to Chotu. "Adiós, Chotu." She climbed into her car and drove away, heartbroken.

At Rainbow Palette, Daniela and Felix were off for lunch, and they were going to join Elena, Enrique, Doretha, and Chotu, not yet aware of what happened. They met up with Elena and Enrique.

"Hola, Mamá, Papá," Daniela smiled.

"Hola, Daniela, Felix," Enrique smiled back.

"How's everything?" Felix asked.

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