chapter 1

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I looked around and saw three seats, the one in the middle being the smallest. I walked up to it and sat down. I looked out the window in front of me, and I saw these portal-looking things. In each portal was this square that said a name for something. The ship never went into any of them, but the further we go the closer one portal gets. It was something called team fortress 2, that name sounds familiar. Like something I can do for fun... That's what it is!! A Game!! It's a game! Team fortress two it's a video game I used to play, I don't know why my parents let me play it. I was the best Sniper, headshot after headshot. Wait, why am I heading towards tf2? As if on cue the pod starts speaking. "Shelia, I have a voice recording of your parents, do you want to listen to it?" "Yes, please play it." I heard a click then a voice started speaking. "Sheila, by the time you're hearing this, me and your father will be dead. The government killed us, they did it because... because you are not our child. You're not even from this universe, you are from the game you loved to play, team fortress two. You're the Sniper's child, he named you and took care of you for only two months before we kidnapped you. You were two months old when we took you, Your real birthday is November 19, 1956, not November 6, 2000. Don't worry you are still seven. We knew that we were going to die once the government found out, so we built this pod for "us", but we were only going to send you." Then my "father" started speaking. " We took you only because you looked like our son, Axel. We lost him when he was seven, he was killed in a school shooting. We couldn't deal with the loss and wanted another child that looked like him and that is when we found you." Then my "mother" took over speaking. " Enough about us, more about you. You were born in Sydney, Australia, you are the daughter of Mick Mundy and Carrie Mundy, her maiden name is White. She died giving birth to you, Mich was sad and moved back to Teufort, New Mexico with you in his hands. We know you probably have a ton of questions but we are not there to answer them but the computer is, her name is Sydney. And your name is Sheila Mundy." Then they said in unison. "We love you, Sheila, Don't forget us, please. And if we somehow survive we will try to get into contact with you." Then the voices were gone. I curled up into a ball in my chair with Mick in my hands and cried. Why?! They took me from my home just because I looked like their dead son!! I hate them!! "I HATE YOU TWO!!!" I screamed, my Australian accent coming even more. I knew nobody would respond but I couldn't keep the burning hot rage bottled up. I wiped my eyes, I'm no longer going to cry like a baby, I might be seven but that doesn't mean I'm going to act like it. "Sydney, Do I have any of my belongings on this ship?" "Yes you do, do you want me to open the door to them?" "Yes, please." A little bit later I heard a couple of clicks then a door opened. The door moved to the side and I walked in. I looked around and it had almost all of my stuff from my room and a few extra stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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