-Chapter 18-

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"Has he called yet?" Taehyung shook his head violently "Jimin I am telling nothing, From where I live to his home it is fifteen minutes. Why is it taking so long?" Jimin sighed "You don't need to be so paranoid, maybe he forgot. Tommorow or tonight he will pass by your house. Maybe he will even come pay a visit to me." Taehyung rolled his eyes " Jimin pushed a glass Taehyungs way "Stop worrying, he is fine. You both remind me of a novel I read.." Taehyung grabbed the glass, and sighed "Tch, you read to much of that shit. But Still, he always calls. He doesn't seem like someone who would forget these sort of things." "Maybe he did, just this once. Just do not worry, he is at his home laying in his bed reading a book or something."

Taehyung took a sip of the glass and placed it back down, he looked around the bar until he heard Jimins voice again "How long have you known him for, right now?" "we met some time ago..." "Really, how did it start?" "I was at a client's house for a painting, he worked there and caught my eye. I could not keep my hands off of him, he then came over to my house my coincidence. Something happened and we got together, it was so chaotic in his life. In my life nothing really changed, I am wealthy, I am good looking, have a status and I am well respected with a handsome hidden boyfriend. He is a sweet boy, with loving strict Christian parents, and nice grandfather, he is off low status..but that does not matter to me." Jimin smiled "You two really are cute together, it is a better relationship than we had isn't it?" "Yeah, but we were still so young. My father and mother could not know, your father could not know. It was all very stressfull."

"Yeah, I am very happy to you found Hoseok. He seems to be a very fun and sweet boy. Is he older or younger than me?" "He is Younger than the both of us, so we are his elders." "What a shame, he looks so tall." "He is taller than you that is a fact." "Damn you.. Child." "Jimin! I am still your elder, the disrespect." "My excuses, it has been a very tiring day. I have been open since four pm, give me a brake." Taehyung laughed "Head up sweetheart you still have three more hours to go." Jimin hit Taehyung with the towel "I know!" Taehyung looked around, and looked back at Jimin "Can I.. Ask something?" "Sure, what is it?" "Can Hoseok work here?"

Jimin frowned "Does he have bar tending experience?" "Well he does not have to make drinks, he can just clean the glasses or clear the tables. You won't have to worry about all of that anymore." "Why are you looking for a job for him?" "Well because I think he is searching for one but does not really know where to find one." "Sure, but I want him to come up to me himself. So we can talk a bit to. I want to know him a bit better aswell, it is always nice to have somebody else along in this small world of homos." Taehyung laughed "You sound stupid." "I am not, watch out before I throw you out this bar. Because the chair you are sitting is payed by me!" Taehyung rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah, it does not matter to me. Well, I shall go home maybe he is waiting at the door?." Jimin shrugged "don't ask me. He might be." Taehyung put on a small smile. He knew that Hoseok wasn't there


Hoseok opened his eyes. He could not see anything, it was to dark "..H-how late I-is it a-already..." Hoseok muttered a bit shocked. He hitched his breath when the door opened. Somebody walked inside holding an oil lamp in his hands "Ah, your awake. I wish I could see you fullout, but it is to dark in here. Tommorow I will move you to my house." Hoseok sighed "Who are y-you.."

"Does it really matter. No. All that matters is that nobody finds where you are." The man placed the oil lamp on a small wooden table that was also in the room, he then walked over to Hoseok "I suppose you dont know what will happen to you." Hoseok just stared at the man, his eyes were starting to fill with tears "If you shed one damn tear, I will decapitate you with my own hands and throw you on the Market Square for everyone to see what a homo you really were." Hoseoks eyes widened "W-why am I here?" "He ordered me for me to do this, I did what was asked." The man grappled a peace of cloth and pushed it inside of Hoseok's mouth. Then another peace of cloth and wrapped It around his face except his nose

The mysterious man stood up and picked a sharp peace of scrap metal that was laying down on the floor
"Hoseok, you do realize that you are sitting half naked tied down to a chair. Your skin looks flawless, your legs are almost like a females legs.. No scraps, bruises or any hair." the man traced Hoseoks legs with his finger, from his knee upwards. Hoseok had a small shiver that ran up his spine" It makes me wonder. Are you really a male?" The man suddenly placed his hand onto Hoseok's crotch

Hoseok kicked the man out of reflex wich only angered him more, he held onto the scrap metal and placed it onto Hoseoks tight "You just sealed your faith. But.. I want to keep you for a little longer. You might be fun. But for now, be grateful that I will not slice your head off. Your legs don't matter do they?" After that the man pushed the scrap metal into Hoseok skin making him groan and move his head in pain

A wide smile crawled on the man's face "Your small moans of pain are enough to give me a boner. Oh, I'm Rock hard.. I feel like my pants are to small right now!" The man dropped the peace of metal and blood started dripping down Hoseoks leg "I will see you later." The man grabbed the oil lamp and left the room leaving Hoseok In complete darkness and pain, tears rolling down his face and the heavy breething. The stinging of the wound and blood running down his leg

I am back. Love you, Stay safe <3

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