pt.4 (1/3) crumbs and foes

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No one pov:
It has been a few weeks since you have lived in the kingdom and fighting off monsters that roam that lands and you thought that whitr lily was in the moon stone but it was dark enchantress you fought her off until you and your friends com across some strange cookies in the dark the you realize it's gonna be a whole new challenge

You fight off the waffle bots with your friends "here I come!.go away!.kings blessing!. lightning strike!"but it doesn't do much so you take things into your own hands once loads of waffle bots start moving towards you you summon giant stars from the sky dealing massive damage to the waffle bots and even destroying them too you stop as you and your friends keep attacking the bots

You fought long and hard until you defeated them and you kept going with your friends to defeat more you and your cookie friends combined attacks destroy the bots the come across your path bot after bot crumb after crumb you fought until the very end you knew that you could do it especially with your friends

Ps: I'm back sorry there wasn't any upload yesterday but I will keep uploading and if this is short to you sorry but goobye!  🧁

Word count:223 words

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