[Alban & Sia]

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Alban and Sia were streaming "It takes two" They were having lots of fun

"Oh my fucking god, Alban over here you blind bitch" Sia said, Alban then was shocked to hear that.

"EXCUSE ME, ANGEL?" He said.

"You are excused." She replied


"Fuck you too, love"

"Just kidding i love you alban. <3"

"I hate you too. </3"

"WAIT SHITTT, MY MUG ALMOST FELL ON MY LAPTOP" Alban's heart was like pounding so hard because if the mug fell on his laptop, it would be in heaven right now

" L BOZO HAHAHA" Sia laughed at Alban, basically almost dying inside because she laughed too hard for a good 6 minuted

"Im gonna punch you" Alban faced Sia ingame, "Aw, you gonna cry pretty boy?" Alban blushed because of Sia's teasing.

"DUDE STOP IM BLUSHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW AAAAAAHHHHHH" Sia laughed at his embarrasment because she found it cute, Alban and Sia's relationship is very chaotic. But they always have their backs when one of them is at their lowest, Alban then made kissing noises.

"Mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa" He said, Sia then did the same thing.

shxtou: ew, kissing 🙄🙄🙄


shxtou: wouldn't it be better off if you did it to me?

Sia's character then had its eyes wide open and said "...How do i ban a moderator?"

Alban then laughed his ass off, just enjoying Shoto and Sia insult eachother jokingly.

"Growl for me, shoto"

shxtou: oh
addrraii: HELP
Vianini: DUDE
Nina Kosaka: HONEY WHAT?

"Oh my gosh, Mother Nina's here" Sia's characters eyes then sparkled

"Oh hey i got sent a voice message by shoto" Sia said.

"LET US HEAR PLEASEEE" Alban pleaded.


"grrr woof woof arf..." the voice message said.

Alban, Sia and the whole chat was so flabbergasted, "DUDE WH" Sia blushed like crazy. Really crazy.

"That voice message was.. interesting.." Alban was still flabbergasted, like who wouldn't be though?

"Yea uhm.. lets just continue!" And they proceeded to play, until the stream was over

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