A friendly kiss between friends... right?

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Amanda was standing there in the hallway watching the girl she loved leaving her.With tears in her eyes and her heart beating out of her chest, she didn't move, Kirby gave her a last look before the driver drove to the airport so she could join her girlfriend Charlie there. Kirby really left. Amanda had hope maybe she would stay for her but she loved Charlie not her, of course she'd choose Charlie over her, thats what she thought.


Kirby in the car was trying to not think about Amanda but that's all she could do, she was dating Charlie why was she thinking about Amanda? She couldn't love Amanda she was her ex's sister and she couldn't do that to Charlie. She felt bad for cheating, but the moment she put her lips on Amanda's was magical she couldn't stop thinking about it. She felt something with Amanda, something she doesn't feel with Charlie, or anyone else.


"God, Amanda you scared me!" Fallon loudly whispered, bringing her sister back to reality. "What the fuck are you doing here so late ?"

"Oh, um, I was just saying goodbye to Kirby and then I got lost in my thoughts haha, goodnight Fallon."Amanda replied with a fake smile going to her room as Fallon just left, confused as ever.

Amanda went to her room closed the door, layed on her bed and sighed. She felt lonely, she wanted to talk to someone but no one could know. It was hard enough to tell Kirby she was not going to do it twice. She wished Kirby was here with her, holding her and telling her she was not alone but she wasn't. She was in a plane with her girlfriend that she loved and that wasn't Amanda. Amanda was everyone's second choice she had never been anyone's priority and that broke her heart. Kirby was her priority but she wasn't. She wanted to call her but she wouldn't know what to say once she'd hear her voice so she decided to send her a message:

From Amanda to Kirby «I know you're probably in the plane right now, but know that I meant everything I said Kirby. I did. »

No answer. She stared at the phone for 10 minutes hoping she would get a response. Still no answer. She would be lying if she'd say it didn't hurt because it did, but it was also selfish of her to expect anything from Kirby while she was in a relationship. A few moments after she finally fell asleep.


At the same time Kirby was in the plane, she felt really bad for Charlie but the thing is that she couldn't stop thinking about Amanda and her message was definitely not helping. She didn't answered. Not because she didn't wanted to but because she couldn't. Things were already too complicated.

"Are you okay? What were you thinking about?" Charli asked when she saw how lost Kirby seemed.

"Oh im fine thank you, Im just really tired" Kirby lied. No way. She was never telling Charlie about the kiss, especially that she was the one who made the move not Amanda.

"Is it about your Amanda friend? Look I'm sorry to say that but she is not your friend she is clearly jealous of your career."Charli mentioned Amanda because it was the only thing she thought could have made Kirby this upset.

"Don't talk about Amanda you don't know her okay? And she isn't jealous of my career she is a very good lawyer she doesn't need to be a model she has no reason to be jealous of me." Kirby defended Amanda, upset that Charlie talked as bad of Amanda when she was literally the sweetest person to exist.

"Fine no need to be mad" Charlie rolled her eyes, not understanding why Kirby would be so mad over a stupid thing like that.

The rest of the flight was really cold and none of them talked a lot, Kirby was still trying to get Amanda off her mind and Charlie was just really tired and confused about why was Kirby acting this way.


Amanda woke up around 10am she was relieved it was not a dream. Confessing her love to Kirby was hard but she was glad she did it because she couldn't keep it for herself anymore. She was not expecting Kirby to react that way though. She didn't know what she expected and she knew it was kind of disrespectful towards Charlie but it was something that needed to be done.

She got up and took a shower listening to the playlist she and Kirby made together, oh how much she missed her, oh how much she wanted Kirby to be with her. She already missed Kirby but Kirby was coming back in two weeks, how could she handle it? She then went downstairs take a breakfast and said hi to Fallon before Fallon ask her:
"What was going on with you last night?You were acting so weird did you take another of your special cookies?"

Amanda couldn't help but laugh. No she wasn't high, she was in love but isn't it the same thing after all?

"No I didn't I was just really tired that's all. Anyway what are you doing today maybe we can hang out!" Amanda sweetly asked with her little smile.

"Yeah, no I have to deal with the company maybe another time" Fallon said very fast making a fake forced smile before leaving.

Amanda knew how Fallon was but she really needed someone to keep her mind off Kirby today and she had no one in Atlanta except Kirby so it wouldn't really help. Maybe Sam she thought. She decided to text him to see if he was up to something today.

She went in the kitchen to ask Mrs Gunnerson to make her something to eat when Sam came in:
"Hi I got your text where do you want to go?" he said to Amanda.

"Um hi. Well I dont know where you want. Wait how did you know I was here?" She asked confused still with her smile on her face.

"Oh I didn't. I came here for croissants, not you." Sam simply answered.

They ended up going to visit Atlanta, Sam wanted to show Amanda all of his favorite places. From gay bars to the fanciest place of Atlanta Amanda has seen everything which was fine to her, as long as she had Kirby off her mind she was willing to do anything even if that meant having to listen to Sam talking about all of his crushs or his favorite dishes. She still tried to call Kirby at some times, and to not let Sam know she was pretending to go to the bathroom and she'd call Kirby hoping for at least a "hi" but no answer, and it hurt even more each time.

Amanda came back from the bathroom very disappointed and Sam noticed it. "Is everything okay?" he asked her.

"Um yeah, I was just a bit worried because Kirby hasn't answered any of my text today" She explained putting a cute smile on her face.

"Now that's weird, we were just talking like 10 minutes ago, she sent me a pic of her and Charlie at their hotel." Sam replied thinking she would feel better but it was the otherwise. She was hoping Kirby was not answering because she was busy not because she was avoiding her.

"Oh well, all good then. Thanks. Um do you mind if we go home now please, I enjoyed this but I'm starting to get really tired I shouldn't have stayed up so late haha" She said. She was tired yes but she also wanted to be alone the fact that Kirby was answering Sam and not her proved that she didn't loved her and that she was probably regretting that kiss. For Amanda though it was way more than that she couldn't stop thinking about it, little did she know Kirby felt the same, she just didn't want to admit it.

1350 words !!!

I am so excited for this story guys what do you think about it? Poor Amanda always being "the other woman" and Kirby acting very dumb hahah. Let me know all of your thoughts and tell me if you have any idea that could be good for this book I will gladly listen to them :))

Vote if you liked it and comment if u want lol, see you next chapter...

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