The "Dream"

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As I opened my eyes an instant feel of terror surrounded me."Jackson?!""Jackson buddy, you here?!"I recognized those voices but it couldn't be. But of course this was a lucid dream so I shouldn't be shocked. Yet another nightmare to antagonize me about my stupid mistakes.I started walking trying to ignore their pounding questions, I couldn't handle anymore flashbacks about that night. Two figures suddenly appeared, I stopped in my tracks quickly at the sight of them, the bloody sight of my best friends Callie and Del.Callie's dull, auburn hair was matted and chunks of it was missing, her skin was molted and greyish-yellow. Her shirt was bloodied with 3 gunshot wounds in her chest and arms. Her eyes on the other hand were bright, emerald green, and alert...too alert for a dead person. I shifted my eyes to my friend Del who was a sight for sore eyes.His bleached spikes were greasy and clots of blood and skin were crowding the hair itself, his choker made way of a burn that he got when he was 7. But it was his eyes that stopped me again, dull and stormy, his eyes bored into mine."Heya buddy" Del sighed, "never thought we'd be able to see you again. Why'd you leave us buddy?""Yeah Jackson, why'd you leave us with that killer?""I didn't mean to Callie, I just had to leave.""And leave behind your best friends?" she took a step towards me which in return I took a step back."I had no choice, you know this.""Buddy, all we know is that in return you got karma, how's juvie working for you? Oh that's're 18 now, happy birthday idiot."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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