Lizzie saltzmen

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Hi so um like i know the pic is of hizzie but this story is about hosie as well.By the way If i write just a name in this handwriting (EXAMPLE) it means its from there point of view and if i write a sentence in the same handwriting it means someone's thoughts .oh one last thing if theres 3 dots it means a time jump :). Anyways enjoy.

Every day had been the same since her father died, everyone always wearing the same apologetic look on there faces as she walks past.

i wish i didn't go to this school everyone's the same everyday.

Hope smiled as she saw the new girl, Lizzie Saltzman approach her.

"well? should we start the tour" she smiled

her smile was so comforting.

she had beautiful blonde hair that commented her face shape, and eyes as bright as the ocean.

Hope mikaelson

"yeh sure follow me." i smiled back admiring her beautiful side profile."So what do you want to see first? dorms,classrooms?"

"Ooh i would really like to see the dorms. Do we share dorms?" 

"Yes i believe you will be sharing with me for the first few nights and then if you want to you can move to the new dorm that is currently being built"

she chuckled

her laugh was so sweet, i like her already.

we walked in the direction of our dorm in silence. somehow silence said more words than if we were talking.

"so here it is."

"wow it looks perfect, i might not want to move"

Our beds had a brown cover with a bage spotty blanket on top.

Our beds had a brown cover with a bage spotty blanket on top

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"i've got something to do so ill be back in a bit, your bed is the one over by the window" 

i smiled at her. I couldn't wait to get to know her better!


I turned my lamp off and placed my blindfold gently on my eyes.

"night mum" i whispered to the photo frame besides me

My mum wasn't dead but she was hardly ever around. 

i'm not really sure where she is right now.

i've texted her in the past but she never read it

maybe she's changed her number?

i'll never know. 

i hope she's ok. That's all that matters

I took my blind fold off and turned to the clock , it was only 5, I had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. I looked up at the pair of eyes watching her.

"oh hi sorry did i wake you up"

"no. I was just wondering do you know who that is in the photo with you?"

"yes she's my mum" i smiled in confusion at this weird question

"oh" She replied her face filled with regret.

"are you ok?" i asked

" yes um have a good sleep"


Hi hope

i walked up to her pekcing her on the cheek

last night was fun

yes yes it was

a tall figure appeared in the darkness


oh my god mum?

Hope you have to get out of there before she finds you. 


"Hope. Hope, Hope Andrea mikaelson do you hear me?"

 The sound of my mum's voice shook me.

i jumped up into lizzies arms.

i felt safe with her.

"my mum, i saw her she told me to get out of here" i said breathless 

"relax hope"

"I cant What did she mean. someone was looking for me."

"Hope it was just a dream calm down"

it felt so real?

"yeh just a dream"

i didn't want to say anything. The warmth of lizzies body comforted me.

i looked up and gazed into her beautiful ocean eyes.

She was so beautiful. Everything about her was perfect. When i saw she was gazing at my lips i leant in for a kiss. 

They stood in the middle of there dorm  they shared a passionate kiss

Her earlier fears had melted away, forgotten.

what happened to hopes mum. wait for the next chapter to find out. Also more hizzie content in next chapter. Bye! Have a good week. Aswell sorry the hizzie thing was rushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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