25: The one with the thing for onesies

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Ever wondered how you looked in someone else’s eyes? I have – a lot of times actually. And each time, I’d never been able to reach a definite answer. However, tonight was an exception, albeit one that didn’t involve me. 

As I looked from the couple who were staring transfixed at the approaching figure, I understood then just how they must see him. Because let’s face it, if there’s one thing Olivia and Aiden had in common, it’s their effortless ability to render people awe-struck. 

Heck, I saw him pretty much every day and I couldn’t help being a little enamored as I watched him approach us, the soft glow of the night light accentuating his perfectly sharp cut-out features. The lazy way in which his hair fell across his forehead, left me with the creepiest urge to reach over and sweep my fingers through it. 

And don’t even get me started on his half-buttoned shirt which left a display of his…whoa! I mean, how do you see something so many times and still be just as awed?

Gosh, I can’t believe I’ve wasted so many birthday wishes through the years on things like: ‘ice cream for breakfast, trip to Disneyland, concert tickets and Frozen merch.’ 

Dang it, I should have wished to become a shirt instead – specifically, his shirt.

Ok, that came out weirdly. 

I’m not saying I wanted to be his shirt, as in I wanted to be wrapped around his oh-so-perfect torso. And believe me, it sure was perfect. As in really…ok, you get what I mean. But the point is, I wasn’t alluding to anything creepy by that. Instead, I was just saying I wanted to be his…uh…well…his trusted person.

It’s like saying I want to be his shirt, your shirt, my family’s shirt, humanity’s shirt. You see? It simply means I want to be a trusted person to my family and humanity and…gosh, what was I saying?

Rather than continue in my crazed thoughts, I shifted my attention to the fact that this visually pleasing specimen of a male, was my boyfriend – fiancé actually. 

Hey, it might all be fake, but a girl was allowed to buy into some lies. And right now, I not only had to buy into this lie, but sell it as well. Yeah, Henry and Sia were still looking on with eagle-eyed focus. 

Guess it’s time for loving girlfriend Aria to come into play. And fortunately for me, Aiden was making it pretty easy to play the part, seeing how he’d now pulled me into his arms, with his features moving in a soft smile as he said, “there you are. I was missing you already.” 

And cue the perky grin on my face as I stared up at him, hands moving to circle the small of his back as I said, “babe, stop exaggerating. You know I’ve only been gone for like three minutes.”

“See? Such a long time,” he sallied, leaving me chuckling, with him betraying a smile. 

However, his gaze was soon drifting towards the gawking pair in front of us. 

“Oh, right,” I started, adding an ‘apologetic’ chuckle that was quite reminiscent of Henry’s from a few minutes ago when he ‘forgot’ to introduce Sia. 

Hey, I was allowed to be a little petty you know. And besides, it was quite enjoyable to watch the look on their faces which resembled that of a kid waiting to be acknowledged by their parents. 

“Guys, this is Aiden, my boyfriend.” 

And right then, the expression ‘mouth dropping to the floor’ suddenly had a literal meaning. Because for a long second after my statement, Sia and Henry did nothing but stare wide-eyed, with their lips parting and closing wordlessly. 

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