the beginning

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trigger warning; suicide mention

     lucas had been separated from his parents since it all went down. he got dragged away in the chaos only having his backpack with his things. he never stood a chance in reuniting. he only had a few memorabilia of them, but most had gotten ruined overtime. his picture of his mother was ruined with water, and you couldn't even see her anymore due to the stains. a note from his father was hardly legible anymore, the only words lucas could make out were "son" and "sorry". a family photo was splattered with blood and had been torn.
lucas could barely remember their faces anymore. he had accepted that they were dead and his new life was without them.

everyone he met died at some point.
callie from florida, who had been in the area tor a family trip, got shot by lucas because she had gotten bit.
jake from school had stabbed himself, not wanting to go on after three months.

time flies. and people died.

so he was alone. roaming an empty town, fighting off walkers by himself. it was quiet, secluded, and he had a place to stay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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