5 1 0

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Judges, make sure you read through these rules clearly.

               ■ Judging Criteria ■

• Title (0/5)

Does the Title match the storyline? Is it unique? Is it attractive?  Make sure to answer the question with you personal opinion please.

Cover (0/10)

Will the cover capture the readers attention? Was it interesting? Is it relevant? Be sure to answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Summary (0/5)

Was it too short? Was it too long? Was it too revealing? Did it attract you in any way? Make sure to answer the question with you personal opinion please.

Flow (0/10)

Is the flow of the story good? Is it too fast paced? Is it too slow paced? Was the sequence of the story good? Make sure to answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Plot (0/20)

Was the plot too cliché? Is it different from other one~shots you've read? Did it contain any plot holes? Did you enjoy reading it? Make sure you answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Writing Style (0/10)

Is it easy to understand? Is it narrative? Was it difficult to understand? Did it have any typos? Did the writing style make you want to stop reading? Or continue? Make sure to answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Character Development (0/10)

Was the character development good? Are the characters unique? Are the characters well described? Make sure to answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Reader Enjoyment (0/5)

Did you enjoy reading it? What was your favorite part? Will readers be hooked until the very end? Make sure to answer the question with your personal opinion please.

Total (0/75)

You are required to answer these questions while judging. With your opinions, or you may only tell the reason for cutting marks (with your personal opinion.) You may add tips and hints if you wish.

That will be all, dear judges. Thank you!

 Thank you!

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