Chapter One

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The symphony of words is a silent serenade, lulling me away from this world as I enter one of my own design. Finding myself immersed so completely in my work, I neglect to hear the unpleasant wails of an alarm clock that demand I part from my universe in order to return to this shabby one. Clicking my tongue in irritation, I turn off the mechanical screams and redirect my attention back to the word in which I am the goddess. Smirking at the thought, I imagine how my friend Amber is doing at the moment. Her full name, something which I never be able to pronouce correctly, literally translates to "goddess" when you convert it to English. The image of she and a certain rock star tickles my fancy, despite her repeated declarations of not being in love with the raven haired fellow. I know she is on the inside, somewhere deep inside that Otaku shell that obsesses over Sasuke Uchiha and Zero Kiryu. As a giggle escapes my blood red lips, I slide my finger across the screen and lock my beloved device.

Gingerly crawling off of my bed, I begin the daily rituals of being Emily Hendrick. Flinching at some random pain in my thigh, I get my skinny behind into gear and brush out my golden brown curls. My thoughts bitterly return to the story I had been writing a moment ago, anger seeping into my veins. Breathing out a sigh, I reapply my favorite red lipstick and pucker up for my reflection. Combing aside the confusing plot of "Half Asleep", I welcome the barely awaken sun by opening my thick coal black curtains and squint. If the sun isn't even awake, why must I be? Surely this is child abuse in some cultures? My fingers brush against my CD player and I let 5FDP fill the air. The amazing bass does splendid things to my lower body and my mind conjures up all sorts of sinful pictures as I pull on my pink cheetah print bra...


"EMILY, HURRY UP!" my mother bellows.

"I hate you bitch," I glare at the sunless sky.


"Turn it up? OKAY!"

Humanity is in poor condition if I can be vindictive this early in the day. Seriously. Like, extremely poor.

At this point, I either need to set my plans for world domination into play or I need to kidnap a celebrity and hold them for ransom. Yeah... My mind is a little weird sometimes, something that endears Liznel and Ambrosía to me. Well, that and I'm a universe all in my own. To be more precise, I am an OCD perfectionist and I remove any imperfections from my place of dwelling. I'm also a virgin, but my libido could rival Hugh Hefner's if I really wanted. Trust me, I don't. He's a sack of STIs just waiting to happen. Also, it kinda only turns on for Sesshomaru from Inuyasha... He's an anime character.

"EMILY!" again, my mother berates me.



Go to Tartarus, you fat whore...


"Oh, fuck you..." I mumble and pull on my dark red skinny jeans with a random Supernatural tee.

With a dramatic sigh, I embark on the journey down the stairs and greet my less than cheerful mother. She's sipping her usual morning beverage at the glass kitchen table, her legs crossed in just the right way to show off the inky purple veins behind her knees as she practically glowers at me over the delicate gold rim of the cup.

"Yes, mother?"

"Darling, I want you to attend to go to church. I've noticed that your generation seems to have forsaken The Lord," she tsks, setting down her cup and smiling merrily.

"A what now?"

"Every night at six, I will be dri-"

"Excuse me, mother, but I'm Pagan."

"Exactly. You need Jesus."

Piss off you grey haired piece of....

The obnoxious knocking at the door interrupts the no doubt endless insult I'm conjuring in my mind. Smiling and nodding at the provider for half my genes, I try not to run to answer the door. Glancing through the peephole and verifying that it isn't Freddy, Jason, or Michael Myers, I open the heavy cherrywood door and greet my visitor.

She's also my driver because I'm too lazy and short to drive.

"Are you ready yet?" Ambrosía asks, her full lips done up in their typical blue lipstick.

At the sound of her voice, my mother appears behind me and squints. Ambrosía squints back, obviously not doing it intentionally.

"Why are your lips blue?" my mom asks.

"Oh this?" Ambrosía points to her mouth, "It's just the frostbite leaking out of my soul. Don't worry, it's all good bruh!"

My mother's frown only deepens when I giggle, which I try to hide with a phoney cough.

"Just let me grab my bookbag and I'll be all set," I answer.

"Hurry, okay?"

"Relax, Little Miss Anxiety!" I roll my eyes, reaching behind the door for my jean bag.

"Only when your booty is in the passenger seat of my car."

"You have a car?" my mom gawks.

Ambrosía points to the large black hearse with a Misfit skull handpainted onto it.

"It used to be my dad's when he was a mortician. To be honest, I didn't want a perfectly good vehicle go to waste. In this economy? Gah!"

"So... You're only driving that to save money?" she looks at my friend, clearly horrified.

"Yep! I'd rather have a Batmobile!!!"

Judging by my mother's expression, she's rather have Satan drive me to school.

I love my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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