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"A creature of the future, made from pieces of the past! Ladies and gentlemen, please be warned! This is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures, that ever walked the Earth! We call it... the Indoraptor!"— introducing the Indoraptor to auctioneers()

The Indoraptor was a new hybrid dinosaur that was created secretly by Dr. in the basement lab, and the central antagonist of .

ContentsCharacteristics"The perfect weapon for the modern age! Built for combat! With tactical responses more acute than any human soldier!"—Gunnar Eversol()

The Indoraptor bears a striking similar appearance of the , but his body length is about half of that of his predecessor. He sports talons that are similar to those of a , and his color is primarily black with a golden-yellow streak running from the base of the neck to his tail, which bears strong resemblance to 's metallic blue streak. Like the Indominus rex, the Indoraptor possesses Smurfette's hands with four fingers; an opposable thumb and three main digits.

The shape of its head bears a resemblance to that of a , and he has a sprinkled red mark around the eye orbit. The skin around the Indoraptor's mouth is flaky and peeling away in some areas, possibly a result of genetic instabilities inherited from the source materials used to create him. His mouth is also sickly-looking, with ragged teeth similar to those of the Indominus rex.

He prefers a quadrupedal stance, though he can stand, walk, and run bipedally on occasion.

The Indoraptor also exhibits night vision, allowing for it to perform well regardless of the time of day, or lighting condition it's pushed into. Indoraptor also has echolocation to track his prey in the dead of night. The individual seen in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was a male.

StoryCreation"What is that thing?
They made it."
— and ()

The Indoraptor was created in a hidden laboratory in the . He was another one of 's creations, similar to the and . He was a prototype as Wu was waiting to obtain 's blood to finalize the genome of the creature, and breed a more streamlined version of him. He was created to be a weapon and was shown to attack on command through the use of visual and audio frequency, which would drive him into a frenzied state.

However, due to being a prototype, he lacked any of the positive characteristics Wu wanted to create in him: He lacked an ability to follow orders other than his conditioning to visual and audio cues, and lacked any of the positive personality traits seen in Blue, such as her ability to show empathy and bond with a trainer or handler. As such, Blue was a required part of the finalized Indoraptor design, as she was needed to act not only as the DNA source, but also as the mother figure for the next generation of Indoraptors to imprint on and learn positive behavior from.

During 's sneaking into the laboratory sub-level where Dr. Wu and were conversing over the Indoraptor's faults, Maisie hid in a darkened hallway that led to the Indoraptor's cage. Unknowingly getting too close with her back to the hybrid's enclosure, she did not see the Indoraptor reach out to try and grab her, only to be alerted when one of his claws brushed her ponytail, causing her to run away screaming, leading to her being caught and confined to her room by Mills.

During the , the Indoraptor was introduced to a crowd of wealthy people who've come from all over the world to buy the dinosaurs who were evacuated from . Unfortunately, the dinosaur isn't up for auction as he's only in the prototype stage, but it doesn't stop the audience from bidding tremendous amounts of money on the hybrid. begins to accept bids at the behest of Eli Mills, with Russian mobster winning the bid. then shows up with a and together they cause havoc, with Owen and the Indoraptor sharing a close glance at one another.

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