1 // A Quiet Night

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"If we could just get a good look at them, it'd all be over for them," Maggie, a young woman, utters quietly to her friend, Antoinette, laying beside her. She nods in agreement. "If only they weren't so..." She struggles to find the right words.

Antoinette glances over and suggests some words and phrases, "good at hiding? Quiet? Unnoticable?"

"Yes, unnoticable works. Thanks."

"No problem, Maggie." Antoinette looks over at their other friend, Trouble. "How are you doing over there, Trouble?"

No one knew why she was called Trouble. Maybe because she was always getting the group or herself into some sort of dilemma. This time, she was trying to open up a crate full of snacks prepared by Maggie. The three estimated they'd be out there for at least a week, so the crate was very large. I guess you could say Trouble had some trouble opening it.

She sighs. "Maggie, I can't get this dumb thing to open. Can you come do it for me, with your strong bulging muscles?" None of the three had strong bulging muscles. However, Maggie was stronger than Trouble, so she did go over to help. After the crate was opened, she noticed a cooler.

"What's in this?"Maggie asks as she points to the blue and white bin. Trouble looks over, confused for a few moments, before she eventually remembers she was the one who brought it along.

"Uh, I just found it and decided to put some drinks in it. No clue where it came from, but don't worry, I know where the beer came from."

"You put beer in there?"

Antoinette cuts in. "Beer? Sweet, I'll take some while waiting for these microphallus ninnyhammers to appear." She walks over, opens the cooler, and stares in awe at the sheer amount that was brought.

Maggie is equally astonished. "Trouble, how did you afford all of these?"

She's met by a shrug. "I dunno, I guess it was on sale. Or not. I think I was, like, drunk when I got them."

Before long, all three had a bottle in their hands. Only one, though. At least, it was that way for the time being. There were still 12 left in the cooler, somehow, and the expiration date was coming close. Better not waste them, right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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