Part 1: Distracted

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"You fucking asshole, I fucking hate you," Stevie said against Lindsey's lips as his hands gripped her curves, feeling her full round bottom.

Once again they had experienced a tiff where Lindsey felt opening a set with "Rhiannon" would be too dull, believing it should be opened with something stronger; that something being "The Chain."

"You only say that because you want everything your way," Lindsey responded to her snark comment of hating him.

"My way? You always want it to be your way! How do you always seem to point this in my direction?" pushing his hands from her body, still shocked he'd have any interest being the weight she'd been gaining.

Everything had been going well and they had met up at her place only a few hours before the Music Cares event, Lindsey having made up another lie to his wife to where he was, Kristen just assuming it was a rehearsal. Stevie couldn't keep her mouth shut about the set list Lindsey had chose, the two of them having different ideas and visions – not like that was anything different. They'd known each other and fought about the silliest of things since they were teenagers, it wouldn't change then and it sure wouldn't change now.

"I wish you could just listen to me on this one, please?" Lindsey begged; his hands on her bare shoulders that her red silk robe revealed.

"How am I supposed to when you can't listen to me?" Stevie bit back.

His eyes closed and Lindsey realized that he wasn't going to hear the end of this one and he sure wasn't going to open with "Rhiannon," looking at his watch and heading for the shower.

"Oh okay," her arms rose in to the air," we're going to stop the conversation all together and act like nothing happened, right?" following him in to the bathroom. It was hard to focus on his face when he stood bare naked in front of her, his chiseled body inviting after all these years, sweat still glistening from their quick tussle.

"Are you going to join me or just bitch?"

She shook her head and untied her robe to reveal herself in front of him though the way he looked at her was different, almost as if she wanted to hide.

"Please Stevie," Lindsey begged as he pulled her close and kissed her forehead, "...this is such an important night for us; I just want it to be perfect."

Perfect. Of course. Everything had to be perfect for Lindsey but never for Stevie. "I just want it to be perfect, too," her eyes drilled holes in to his as she whisked passed him to the shower and turned it on. She could only wonder if he'd be upset about the water temperature next.

Lindsey sighed and closed his eyes for a brief second before joining her, stepping in behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her head. "Don't take something as simple as a setlist make you so angry... you're going to be so upset that you won't even be able to sing."

Deep inside Stevie was shaking and trembling with anger, giving him the complete silent treatment instead of blowing up in his face again. She could feel his hands on her hips and his lips in her hair, the water beating down on them as he took this chance to seduce her once again. "I can't believe you..." she whispered.

"Shhh..." his lips on her neck and moving to her shoulder, biting down.

A smile came across her face but she was still mad at him, her heart fluttering with anticipation as his hands met her thighs, spreading her legs just a bit to allow him access.

"Just...breathe," Lindsey said against her ear and cupped her with the palm of his right hand, feeling her melt back in to his chest. His fingers started down her slit and found the protruding pearl, round and round his finger went, pressing then rubbing.

"Linds," she moaned and shook with her arms up around the back of his head. Her hips jolted side to side as he continued to play with her, fingering her ever so gently until her head turned to meet his mouth in a fiery kiss. "Of fuck, yes," Stevie cried out and bent over to place her hands on the shower wall.

This was Lindsey's moment to impress her again as he always did and gave her ass a slap, stroking his now hard erection and sliding it up and down her crack, finding the right entrance to have her cry out. "Mmm...God, yes," he grunted while moving in and out of her, keeping his hands plastered to her hips to allow himself to move faster.

"Fuck me, yeah!" said Stevie as tears ran down her face in a form of pain and passion, banging on the shower wall with her fists. "I said, FUCK ME!" turning her head around to bitch at him in another form other than disgust, wanting hard fast sex.

The words that escaped Stevie's mouth were always a turn on for Lindsey during their sex, one hand now on her lower back and the other in her hair, tugging and pulling as he thrust. "Baby, yes, you are so fucking hot," he growled.

Her breasts bounced and slapped, his body plowing in to hers, the mirror covered in a white fog. Stevie brought a hand to her mouth to lubricate then brought it between her legs to stroke her clit, her muscle pulsating around his member continuously until she let out a long moan of pleasure.

Before she could fall from her orgasm Lindsey pulled her body up against his, slipping out of her in disappointment but she wasn't going to just let him stand there with a hard on, getting down on her knees to take him in to her mouth.

"Oh baby," Lindsey hissed as he watched himself disappear inside her mouth, feeling the back of her throat take him.

Stevie was always good at this, taking him as far as she could and running her nails down the side of his thighs. It didn't take more than a minute and he was exploding.

With her legs wobbling she was able to get herself back on to her feet again to take his mouth to hers, tongues touching and tangling.

What had they been fighting about again?

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