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1. If you could buy anything in the world what would it be?

My answer: To be completely honest, I don't know.

2. What are you good at?

My answer: Making people's brains hurt/rot.

3. What aren't you so good at?

My answer: Anything involving art for some reason. Anything besides painting.

4. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas?

My answer: Sleep. 😭

5. What is love?

My answer: I'd say in my own words, love is when you get this feeling inside your stomach when that special someone is around. When you suddenly feel happy around them.

6. What is your favorite animal?

My answer: Toads and frogs. No doubt at all.

7: What is your favorite book?

My answer: Scary stories to tell in the dark.

8. What is your favorite color?

My answer: I don't have one.

9. What is your favorite game to play?

My answer: In real life I'd have to say soccer, on the internet I don't really have a favorite game. I stay on wattpad and discord so those two I guess?

10: What is your favorite movie?

My answer: IT.

11. What is your favorite number?

My answer: This one is oddly specific but I'd say 14,864.

12. What is your favorite song?

My answer: Hayloft 2 by Mother Mother, I deserve to bleed by Sushi Soucy, or It smells like teen Spirit by Nirvana.

13. What is your favorite thing to do?

My answer: Write on wattpad. For some reason it relieves stress.

14. (It's the same question as 13. So we're kind of skipping this one.)

15. What's your favorite thing to eat?

My answer: Chinese food.

16. What is your favorite toy?

My answer: ...What the fuck is this question.

17. What is your favorite TV show?

My answer: Stranger Things and Heartstopper.

18. What is your least favorite thing to eat?

My answer: Carrots. Ew.

19. What makes you angry?

My answer: My ex, my sister, and my family.

20. What makes you happy?

My answer: My girlfriend, my friends, and getting to write and talk to you guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else on here.

21. What makes you sad?

My answer: My ex, my body image, my parents, and my sister.

22. What makes you scared?

My answer: My ex. We won't go into detail.

23. What would you like to be when you grow up?

My answer: Either a teacher or a writer.

24. Where is your favorite place to go?

My answer: My room.

25. Who is your best friend?

My answer: Noah/Damien Ossie_Bird.

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