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1. 𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙙?
Tired af

2. Age?
Very uncomfortable sharing but I am a minor

3. What is the last song you listened to?
Feel Better by Penelope Scott 🖤

4. Favorite song?
Dark Red by Steve Lacy

5. Favorite Novel?
I haven't read enough to figure that question out

6. Where would you like to travel?

7. The story of your last kiss?
I forgor

8. Where would you like to be right now?
So in a coffi-

9. One of your insecurities?
I have one too many and to just choose one, nah

10. Why did you join ̶T̶u̶m̶b̶l̶e̶r Wattpad?
Idk, I guess for the fan fictions and I've really always been passionate about writing

11. Hugs or kisses?
Cuddles >:(

12. Any siblings?
I have one younger sister

13. Craziest thing you've ever done?
I haven't completed that much of life to say as of now :)

14. Quote you live by?
Amoong us.

15. Had/Have a job?
I don't have one where I work and get payed but whenever my mother works I tend to help her in the bakery :D

16. One of your fears?
Loud noises. It hurts to think about them.

17. One of your passions?

18. Is there anyone you wish you were with?
As a friend, no. Platonic, Kind of. Romantic, yes.

19. Describe the person you hate most?
Wolf cut, glasses, a narcissistic bitch, a fugly whore, can you guess yet if you guessed... ✦✴MY EX!!✴✦ then, yeah you're- you're right on target :)

20. Describe your best friend?
Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and beautiful ;)

21. What does the last text you sent say?
fish sussy among us *sussy baka troll face*

22. Your idea of a perfect date?
Not to dressed up but not to dressed down. There is a big enough blanket for us to sit down on. We're surrounded by all different types of flowers. The grass is barely up to our knees. All of this under the bright, shining, moon. :))

23. Last movie that you saw?
The Goldfinch

24. Someone you miss?
My actual good ex Khloe :)

25. What upsets you the most?
Ava Fucking Kerr. I hate her with all my guts and I hate to even think about her because it upsets me.

26. Where would you like to travel?
I thought I said this

27. Do you want to get married?
Eventually yes <3

28. Happiest moment?
Any moment with Adrian <33

29. Person you care about most?
If it is including everyone, then family. If it's including anyone outside of family, Adrian <33

30. Any guilty pleasures?
Uhh I forgor again 😭😭😏😢😣😣😣😖😕🥵😠😤😮🤬🤡🧐😲 #emo /j

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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