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Sana woke up early in the morning as she hurriedly took a quick shower. Today, she'll gonna have a lunch date with Ziyu. It wasn't big, it's just- Ziyu wanted to see her.

Ziyu is still her Fiancée after all.

She woke up early as she doesn't want to be late again, just like she did the last time they saw each other.

"Mama! Where are you going?"Sana met Sullyoon downstairs, drinking her chocolate milk

"She got a date with your Momma"Nayeon said with a knowing smirk

"Not really, I'm gonna meet Ziyu"Sana shook her head no

"Can Yoonie go with you?"Sullyoon asked

"I'll be back in a short time, sweetie"Sana kissed her forehead

"Mwami Nayeon and Mwami Jeongyeon is here for you"Jeongyeon took Sullyoon in her lap

"Okay"Sullyoon smiled

"Thank you for taking care of Yoonie for today"Sana said

"No problem. We also wanted to be with Sullyoon when we have nothing to do at all"Jeongyeon replied

"Okay then, I'll be right back!"Sana stopped midway
"By the way, where is Tzuyu?"she counted

"She hurriedly left. We don't know"Nayeon shrugged her shoulders

"Maybe she got an early meeting?"Jeongyeon said, more like questioning herself

"Yeah maybe, I really have to go. Bye! Bye sweetie!"

Sana immediately called a cab after that and she just arrived on time. Glad, she won't embarrass herself infront of Ziyu again.

Just as this time, she find a way to the VIP table. Well, Ziyu don't wanted anyone to ruin their talk so he always took the VIP's.

And there, as she got inside, she saw Tzuyu.

What is she doing here?

Sana raised a brow as she stood across her table, I mean their table.

"Why are you here?"Sana asked

"Ziyu asked me for a lunch together?"Tzuyu shrugs

"Well, Ziyu asked me for a lunch as well"Sana sat across the latter

"Oh maybe he wanted to talk to us"Tzuyu smiled

"You didn't tell me you were leaving"

"I didn't?"


"You as well"

"Well from now on, you need to tell me. Is that clear?"

"Yeah. Okay"Tzuyu nods as an obedient woman she was

A few moments of silence, Sana's phone suddenly rangs.

"It's Ziyu"Sana showed the caller ID to the latter
"He said. . . he can't go, Eh?"she frowned

"That's all?"Sana nods
"So basically he tried to set up this date for us"Tzuyu sips her coffee

"How did you say so?"

"I know him. He's always setting me up for a date"

"So are we just going to sit here and talk?"Sana asked shyly

"Obviously, he wanted us to get along again"Tzuyu grinned

"He's my fiancée, Tzuyu"

"No, not now"


"Ziyu wanted us to get back together. Not for Sullyoon, not for anybody else. I still love you, Sana"Tzuyu paused as she took Sana's left hand with her
"So tell me, do you still love me?"she asked


"May I ask, do I still have hope for you?"Tzuyu asked, but Sana didn't answer
"I don't take a no for an answer. I will court you whenever I want. And if you still don't, I will try again until I make you mine"she smiled

"Tzuyu I—"Sana was cutted off when a pair of lips brushed over hers, her cheeks instantly bloomed into fine red shades

"Don't speak. I will do everything I want. You won't get rid off me"Tzuyu said with that smirk played on her lips

Sana look to the side, fighting a blush across her cheeks.

What else can I do?

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