18 0 13

NOT PROOFREAD !!! (you just have to deal with my grammer mistakes)

When I arrived at work I got changed into my uniform as fast as I could because my shift had already started (I work at a cafe). Wich wasn't exactly a surprise, because on my way to work I got kinda distracted. There was a group of girls gossiping about my university, and of course, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to eavesdrop. This led to me finding out that a soulmate group of 7 people would join our school, and that they are still missing a soulmate...

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Putting aside the information I just heard I went to focus on my job. And right now that was serving customers. 

Hours went by, and I start to get a headache from all the customers. Like I don't care if the coffee is cold because you wanted to let it cool down but waited too long, it's not my fault you did that. But they still blame me for it, like can you believe it. 

So thanks to those customers, my head is now killing me. And my day is not getting any better. I also have to take two other shifts because the workers won't make it. 

And right at the moment when I was drowning myself in my misery a witch opened the door of the shop. 

"A look who it is, the poor orphan girl", it was Seojun. The 'queen' of my university, the popular girl...

And my biggest hater for some reason, like I'm not exactly that interesting.  

"..." I just stared at her.

"What is it orphan, cat got your tongue?" she said while laughing like the witch that she is.

Sooooo... I threw a dirty cup (there made from plastic, don't worry) right in her face 😗.

"WHY... Y-YOU B*TCH!!! HOW DARE YOU THROW SUCH A DIRTY THING!!! YOU'RE CRAZY!" she screamed right in my face (R.I.P my ears).

"Oh, sorry I thought you were a garbage can because the only thing that comes out of your mouth is trash, you also smell like one," I said to her

She now saw redder than tomato 🍅 and stormed out of the cafe, I almost couldn't hide the smile that was threatening to grow on my face. She looked so funny🤣🤣

(I'm so sorry, laughing behind people's back is never a good thing to do)

And to answer your question, yes I am an orphan. But that doesn't stop me from doing the thing I like. 

The rest of the day went by rather quietly, so that's one thing I can be happy about. 

After all the shifts I was finally able to go home. I just want to sleep right now😫

Luckily my house isn't that far from my work, so let's stay positive!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEXT DAY                                                                                                                                                                                   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My head is killing me!!!! And I have a test today, why does life hate me so much😭😭. 

But that is a problem for later, right now the only thing I need is coffee. Yes, lot's of coffee. It's my fuel, the only thing that can make my day at least a little bit better. 

So you know what you do then, you go to the cafe where you work and try to get a free coffee. But of course, I failed. 

So now I am on my way to uni with a not-so-free coffee (sad). 

But when I was about to open the door to my classroom, someone decided to open it from the inside out which caused me to fall in their arms. Verry strong arms, he also didn't smell that bad yet. 

"Great, now I sound like a pervert," I thought. 

"Hey miss, are you okay?" the muscle bunny asked.

Too scared to face him I just looked up, nodded and quikly ran past him. God, why am I so awkward... And why was that dude so handsome, like come on save at least a little bit of beauty for other people.           (┬┬﹏┬┬)

But let's just forget him it's not like he will remember me. So to get even I won't remember him as wel.

The lesson itself was boring, as usual, the teacher talked way to fast almost like she was in hurry. And I was just like, lady I don't understand shit when you talk that fast. But I didn't say that to her. I'm too social awkward to do that. 

After the lesson ended I decided that is was time for food (what? I get hungry from school, don't judge me I'm working on it.)

On my way to the cafetaria I spotted the muscle bunny again. "Why does this always happen to meee" I was literally crying inside. Why did life decide that I had to meet him again. Like can't we just not meet for like the rest of our lives. 

Want to know why excactly I don't want to meet him. It's because he is to damn handsome, every time I look at him I get an heartattack. If this continues I wan't even make it to the end of this day.  

But luck was never on my side to begin with...

You could almost say that I was cursed because that damn man was now approaching me with a big grin on his face.

I got a bad feeling about his  ಠ_ಠ


Class was over so it was time to leave. But when I openend the door a girl fel straight into my arms. The weird thing was that I didn't mind. Normally when I girl touches me I almost have to puke, but with her I don't. The girl seemed in a shock so I asked her if she was alright.

"Hey miss, are you alright?

She looked up to me quikly nodded an ran past me. Wich suprised me. For her small build she was quite fast. And how her face flushed when she saw me was adorable.                                                                                                                                                                     

"Cute" I thought to myself 


Sorry I updated so late, I kinda forgot ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

But I love you all. BYE!!!! 

this is not the end but bye :)  

word count: 1000 words 

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