Act One. Part Two.

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James wasn't the most lucky guy, but never had his luck been this bad. At first he just assumed that he was being stalked, but Regulus' annoyance truly solidified the fact that it was just horrible luck.

First there was the hallway, James was returning to Gryffindor tower after an unlucky encounter with Snape and right as he turned the corner his body slammed into another. The hall was filled with the loud clambering of books falling to the ground.

"Shit- sorry." James rambles, quickly grabbing every book in his vicinity.

With the stack in his hands, he stretches his arms out for the stranger to get their books. Only it was no stranger who was brushing the dirt off of their uniform and Regulus gave him his usual cold look before grabbing his books with strangely delicate hands.

"Well, now that we're here and I have yet to see my brother around, will you tell me where he is?" Regulus said with a strong voice.

James makes a sour look, "not unless you tell me why. I mean, what makes you think I trust yo- and you're walking away. Fuck."

Then there was the library on the following wednesday. James had merely wanted to get a book for Remus who was deep in study for transfiguration when the unusually heavy book fell from his reaching grasp and landed right on top of some poor kids' open book.


"Must you disturb my presence, right now, Potter." Regulus interrupted, the left corner of his mouth twitching and his voice of which was normally cold and dry was cold and annoyed.

"Wha- Are you stalking me?" James bemused, snatching the book from on top of the other.

"In what universe would I waste my energy on such a thing?"

James actually lets out a bit of a chuckle, "in our present universe where I am the most eligible bachelor at Hogwarts, miniature Black."

"If that's what lets you sleep at night, Potter." and he's quickly gone.

Did he just fucking smile?

That tiny smile that Regulus gave James was plaguing James' mind for reasons unknown for a suspiciously long time. Well, reasons a little known. In his time at Hogwarts James had never seen Regulus show any emotion, of any kind and honestly, he seriously doubted that Regulus had ever even smiled on school grounds. Or ever. Admittedly, it was a bit intriguing for James.

Nearly every day for the next two weeks James ran into Regulus, no way quite the same, and it was starting to wear down on his patience. The only constants of the encounters was a couple testing words exchanged between the two and Regulus leaving on steady feet. Not one time does Regulus admit to why he needs to speak to Sirius, too. All James has learned from the experiences is that he needs to be more mindful of his surroundings, because apparently Regulus was everywhere.

Exactly two weeks since his first encounter with Regulus, James is trying to enjoy his leisure time on his four-poster, doing absolutely nothing but chatting (ranting, really) with his friends. However, James is a very high energy man, so it's not the most rewarding but it's mainly an attempt to stay away from Regulus. I won't bump into him if I just hang out on my bed, unless of course he's a snake animagus and he fucking slithers his little slytherin body into our dorm room...

"Mate, backtrack, why is he so dead set on seeing pads again?" Peter asks.

"He won't fucking tell me! It's so frustrating! Everytime we speak a bit, he just disappears the second I ask about it!" James replies, shaking his hands around.

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