Prologue - "It begins."

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{Two birds on a wire,}

[one tries to fly away..}


TW: blood, death, violence,  and swearing


You awake hearing screaming

you jolted up in your small bed and looked out the window to see avian villagers and humans fighting one another

a cry came from inside your house

'Shit, [NAME] is still in their room!' you hear a male voice yell


A worried father and mother came into your room

'Sweetie, can you go hide for me?' your mother asked you calmly

'[BLANK], are you fucking insane, we are having a war outside and you just ask them to go hide?!' your father yelled at your mother

A war?

'A war?' you ask

your father looked at you and grabbed you harshly

'Come on, [NAME], you need to get out of here.' he pulled on your arm

'[BLANK], could you take her out to the docks?' your father asked your mother

she nodded then took you into her arms

'Mother, what is happening?!' you asked panicking

she just looked down at you before simply saying 


her wings wrapped around her body as she quietly carried you out of the small house

dead bodies were everywhere as well as bodies that were awaiting  their death

Golden feathers were scattered around the village

you soon notice that all of the bodies had their wings cut off or tore wings from a fire

your mother soon started running toward the docks

she placed you down as she softly told you to get in one of the boats

you obeyed going to sit in  one boat 

you heard your mother cry

you looked over worried for her

all you saw was blood

hot red blood

then her

she had an arrow in her wings

she was bleeding heavily as well

you called out as she collapsed onto the wood dock

she was crying and shaking in pain

she coughed out blood as a boot was placed among her back

you looked up hoping it was one of the warriors

but it wasn't..

A human was looking down at your mother as she was bleeding to death

'S0 s4d..' he said in a fake sad tone

he grabbed onto the base of the arrow in her wing and pulled it out slowly

She gasped then coughed up more blood

all you could do was watch in horror

he grinned as he looked at the arrow 

then at you

you were crying for your life as he pulled you out the boat

'S0 pr3tty..' he said as he looked closely at your small wings

you fought him, punching, kicking, doing whatever you could to get out of his strong grasp

your eyes widen as he held a lighter in his hand

you screamed and started kicking more frantically

he chuckled at your attempt to escape  as he started to burn your wings

a few of the feathers were turning a darker yellow or jet black

 as well as they started to tear

you gasped in pain as he dropped you

'4ww, 1s th3 l1tte b1rd in p4in?' he smiled down at you


he picked you up as you were weak and couldn't fight back anymore

he placed you gently in the boat as you couldn't hear your mothers gasps or cries  of pain anymore 

all you heard was ringing, very loud ringing.

all you saw was him pushing your boat away

you then passed out

{522 WORDS}

{and the other..}

- Burnt wings: A DSMP + child reader book!Where stories live. Discover now