a new member??

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Me and Rachel went to Glee club in we saw that the football player Finn  the quarterback in the auditorium about to sing with us

After Rachel scared him off everyone left around 5 but I stayed while brad left too and sang alone hoping no one was watching

Then I herd clapping from the entire Glee club and asked me to sing a solo even Mercedes agreed and I knew Rachel was going to make so I said yes.

I was getting ready for my solo but these songs were first

(Santana, Brittany, and Quinn are here with puck Mike and Matthew)

It was time for my solo and I was scared but Rachel said you will do great you are very talented I went up to the stage and sang

After I hit the whistle note I could see the other teams worried after around 20minutes it was time to see who won and the announcer anounnced we had won everyone was screaming and hugging each other like a family.

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