Episode 5 Chance Encounter

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At Grayson Group,

"You're fired!" Aries slammed the file closed and threw it on his desk. "Collect this shit and get lost!" He growled, and the employee muttered sorry in a barely audible voice, walking out crossing the financial advisor of the company who walked inside with files and happen to hear their conversation.

"What's wrong with you today? That's the tenth employee you've fired!!" He said while Aries took a sip of coffee.

A deep frown appeared on his face. "Who made this? Fire him as well." He slammed the coffee mug on the desk.

"Are you alright?" The financial advisor, named Simon, asked Aries.

"Yes! Why do you ask?" He glared at him and Simon sighed, keeping the files on the desk before him.

"These are the files you asked for," He said and Aries opened the first file while Simon waited, standing beside him waiting for his instructions.

Aries read the file and closed it. "I think I need a break!" He said, shifting in his seat.

"Break or a good fuck?" Simon lifted an eyebrow and Aries glared at him.

"You may be my friend outside these premises, but here I'm your boss. Don't take undue advantage and shut your mouth." He said and stood up to leave.

"The only employee of this premises who can't be fired!" Simon said with an amused smile on his face, and Aries's cold eyes glared at him. "That look doesn't work on me. Your grandma will kill you if she finds you've fired me."

"Now tell me, what's wrong with you? Why are you so determined to slash our manpower in half today?" Simon asked and Aries finally decided to open up with him, as keeping it inside of him was giving him a headache.

"I kissed someone last night," He said.

Simon knitted his eyebrows, as that wasn't something new. A few times he too witnessed Aries's make-out sessions with his ex-girlfriends and soon to be ex-girlfriend Sasha Lewis. "As long as you didn't kiss any guy. I guess it's fine." He smirked.

"Big mistake! It's a big mistake sharing something with you." Aries took his coat and walked out of his cabin.


Cara was wearing her sneakers when the doorbell rang. She rushed to open it and Sandra appeared at her doorframe and forwarded money in her direction. "What's this?" Cara asked.

"The manager was generous enough. He paid you for the hours you worked last night." Sandra said and Cara smiled, taking money from her.

"That's so sweet of him." She said, and they walked inside.

"Yeah! But where did you disappear?" Sandra questioned, and Cara turned silent, recalling her meeting with Alfred Doyle.

"Earth to Cara!" Sandra waved her hands before her and the latter blinked her eyes.

"Yeah! I was tired as hell. I couldn't even stand properly." She lied, and Sandra narrowed her eyes.

"Like really! Do you think I am stupid? If you were tired, you'd have told me or informed the manager. But you just disappeared. It's not at all professional and something you'd do. It's alright if you don't wish to share with me." She said, but Cara shook her head.

"It's not like...." She trailed off.

"Save it, Cara! It's alright." Sandra said, taking her sling bag and walking to the door. "What are your plans for today?"

"I have a job interview," Cara said, closing the door and walking out with her. "Wish me luck!"


Keith, dressed in a blue uniform, was sitting inside his cabin at the police station preparing reports and field notes of investigations and patrol activities when his senior walked inside and he stood up from his seat. "Officer Keith, you are handling the case of Mrs Hassen? What are the ground reports?" He asked Keith.

Keith nodded and took out a file from the drawer. "I mentioned everything in this file, sir." He handed the file to his senior.

"Great job!" His senior praised reading the file where he mentioned every small detail.

"Thank you!" Keith smiled politely, and the officer turned to leave. Keith busied himself in making the reports and frowned. "Road accidents are rising!" He thought and signed the last document, closing the file and throwing his head back on the armchair to relax when the thought of the girl he saved from an accident crossed his mind.

He rubbed his stubble, picked up his phone from the desk and called someone. "Hey, did any girl come for an interview?" Keith asked.

"Oh, yes! She gave your reference and we've hired her as per your command." The voice said from the other side, and Keith smiled.

"Great! Thanks," He ended the call.


At Meryl's café,

Cara glanced at her watch waiting for her turn, tapping her fingers on her file impatiently when a woman shout out her name.

"Cara Silencio, you're next!" The woman said, and Cara cleared her throat, walking elegantly inside the cabin with her file. The interview went well, and she got the job as a bartender at one of their clubs in the city. She wanted to work in their coffeehouses, but they had no vacancy.

She took a taxi when Sandra called her. "Cara, I got the job!!!" She screamed from the other side.

"Woah! Congratulations. I am so happy for you," Cara smiled. She was genuinely happy for her.


"I don't think I'll be working at the restaurant for long! The manager is a jackass, also the pay is very low." Sandra said and Cara couldn't agree more with her. "Cara, I was thinking, can I go for the interview Keith suggested to you? Only if you don't plan to go!" Sandra asked.

Cara was hesitant for a moment, but she took out the card from her wallet and gave it to her. "At least it could help one of us to pay our bills." She said and Sandra smiled.

"All the best!" Cara smiled.


"You know I got a job in the Administration department. It's a pretty well paying job!" Sandra said.

"Great! I am happy for you." Cara said. "Okay, I'll talk to you later!" She disconnected the call abruptly and tried to suppress the tears that formed in her eyes. She was happy for her friend, but it was an opportunity thrown in her way and she just lost it.

Maybe suffering was all written in her fate... But for how long?

"We are here!" The cabbie stopped outside the same hotel she was staffing last night and Cara looked out.

"Thank you!" Cara paid the bill, and right behind her, a black Mercedes stopped. The chauffeur stepped out and opened the door of the backseat for Aries.

Cara stepped out of the taxi and walked in through the entrance while Aries walked behind the hotel to check the alley.

"Can I see the manager, please?" Cara asked the receptionist, and she asked her to wait. Nearly ten minutes later, the manager appeared, and he was surprised to find Cara waiting for him.

"Hello sir," Cara smiled politely. "I came to apologise for my irresponsible behaviour last night. Despite that, you paid me. Thank you so much!" She gave a tight smile.

"It's alright! I know what happened to you last night." The manager said, and Cara looked up at him gulping an invisible knot in her throat.

"W-what?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Come, let's talk in our cabin." He said, and Cara followed him.


Aries walked in the same alley, remembering the last night. His eyes gazed at the back door of the hotel where the girl had emerged last night. His eyes travelled up to the CCTV cameras and a wide smirk graced his lips.

Aries stared at the door from where the girl had emerged last night. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He clenched his jaws, his eyes shifted to the CCTV camera.
"I'll find you," He affirmed to himself.

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