Run to you ? Chapter 7.

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What the fuck . ( Yelled Ab ) " Its not what you think you guys . " Its not ?( I said .) " Come here , angels follow me into the kitchen ." Okay .
Are you fucking crazy trey ?(Ash said.) " No im not , I just did it because i wanted too ." ( As trey was speaking to the angels i went down by the kitchen && i herd the whole convesation .)
" Nah i dont wanna hear that bullshit trey .(Kinky said) . "What bullshit kinky ?" Do you even like this girl ?" I mean i told her i did ." I asked a fucking question !" Nah i dont , i only told her that && put on a whole act talking bout i want her to stop pimping && stuff && i told her i wanted her to be my shawty , but i wassnt serious i only said them things so i can keep getting sex from her whenever i want ."


When i herd that , i started crying , && i ran back upstairs && went into my room && started packing my stuff , because im leaving . Im just gonna go to my bestfriend jhenes house ..

Call •
D •Yo jhene ?

J • Yeah ? Why does it sound like your crying ?

D • Because i am .

J • Why ? Who tf ass i gotta beat?
D • Ill tell you later .

J • Okay are you sure ?

D • Yeah , but can i crash at your house for a few days untill i get my shit together ?

J • Yeah you can , when you coming ?

D • Now .

J • Iigh .

When i got done talking too the angels , i went in my room to see if Danelle was in there , but she wassnt . So i checked her room && she wassnt in there either && i also noticed that all of her stuff was gone .. wtf is going on man . So i decided to text her ..
My Freak 😏💦😍
Danelle ?
Wya ?
Please answer me bae
Come on dont play
Danelleeeeee !!

Trey ❤️💦😏
Danelle ?
Wya ?
Please answer me bae
Come on dont play
Danelleeeeee !!
Who is this ?
... Its Trey
.. I dont know a trey bye .
Wtf stop playing danelle
.. playing ? Im playing ? Foh !! I herd every word u said to the angels about me ..
I only said that so they can shuttup && get out of our buessness
.. your lying bye .
Danelle ..

Days past since i cutt Trey off . Im glad he stopped bothering me because it was annoying he would blow my phone up 24/7 . But then i remembered that i had left some of my stuff at Treys house but i didnt wanna go there and get it while hes there , so i checked his twitter page && he tweeted " Its litt in Las Vegas 💦" So i decieded to go to the house . When i finally got there i forgot , i left my keys at Jhenes house .
Fuck im so stupid . " Then outta nowhere someone opened the door .. & it was Kinky .

Oh hey Danelle . Hey kinky ,can i get some of my stuff i left here the other day ? Yeah sure come in . Okay wheres the other girls ? Oh they went out to the spa , i aint feel like going so i just stayed here ." Oh okay but how you been kinky ? Im good . " How you been danelle ? Ive been okay ..
Look danelle i herd what happen , Trey is a big player . He never takes girls serious , he uses them to get what he wants and soon they start falling for him .. " Kinky you dont understand like i really fell for him , i was too blind to see that he was just using me making me look stupid , i shouldve known better i shouldve never put my guard down . " Danelle its not your fault . Hes stupid , because your beautiful && you can get anyone you want you shouldnt waist your time on someone like him truth be told , Come sit down && tell me why you feel this way . " Okay .


I sat && vent to kinky like i known her for years .. But i just met her shes a complete stranger but she knew exactly where i was coming from . We talked for hours , && then out of nowhere she placed her hand on my chin && kissed me ...

Kinky .. we cant .
Shh yes we can , just relax . "Kinky stop ." No baby come on ik you want this . " Kinky stop what the fuck , i said no god damn it !!

I ran to you because i needed someone to vent too , Not have sex with !!
Danelle , im sorry i couldnt help it , i wanted you ever since i saw you . "well too fucking bad kinky im not gay i dont want anything serious ! Bye !

Smh Trey ?😑😒

Danelle && kinky ?😯😳

hmm whats up with everyone !?👀🙍🏻

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