Chapter 3

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"Come on, Yan Yan!" Hu Tao pleaded to her girlfriend. "Can't you do me this little favor?"

"I wouldn't call finding an elusive group of exorcists a 'little' favor," Yanfei answered, her voice and expression just about screaming how much stress she's under. "You know I'm working on a difficult case right now. Why not come to me after it's been resolved?"

"Because~ Xingqiu's future is on the line. And you can go about asking whenever you have free time. I'm not telling you to drop everything to do this little thing for me."

The adeptus thought about it a bit more before letting out a sigh, one that Hu Tao knew meant she would do it. "All right. I'll ask around if the opportunity arises. You're paying for our next date, though!"

The director couldn't help the grin from spreading across her face at her girlfriend's response, nor the giggle that came out of her mouth before she spoke. "Consider the contract signed. I'll treat you to one of the best meals you might ever have in your life, and for the rest of the day, we'll do whatever you want to do. Once both our matters are dealt with, of course."

"I swear, you're too much to handle sometimes. A simple meal would have sufficed." Although the wording may have suggested an argument was about to spring up, Yanfei's tone and expression indicated otherwise. It was more a loving "what am I going to do with you?" than anything else, a look Hu Tao was familiar with by this point. "However, it's too good to pass up, so the contract has been theoretically signed by me, as well. I'll see you at the funeral parlor if I receive any news."

"Sounds good. I'll see you later!" They shared a quick kiss before departing, with the director heading off to meet a client and the lawyer going back to the grueling court case before her. At least she had a future date to look forward to.

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