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They came on Tuesday, their presence was similar to a sharks showing up, ripples of fear spread through the school of fish.

They flanked the hallways, searching and with deadly precision they executed their threat assessment.

Eyes scouting ahead, pinpoint pupils scanning for movements inside classrooms, mouths whispering words the curious audience watching them could not hear.

James merde " muerte" had to carefully execute his strategy. His father's influence preceded him. His lookout alerted James with a text
( B on the way home safe. Feds R here- Eusebeia). His private sim recieved the text at 9:07, at 9:13 an unfamiliar voice spoke:

"Good morning, may I have your attention please!" It was a more of a demand and not a request- the tone in his voice made that unmistakable. " This is Lieutenant Gerald Sphinct from the 78th precinct, my officers will be conducting a routine inspection pursuant to code 706, statue 626, section 83. The vital information safeguard Act of 2031 allows my officers to use deterrents up to and including lethal force at their own, sovereign discretion. Please stay in your classrooms and cooperate so we can avoid unnecessary paperwork."

His austere voice ceased and the classroom James was in buzzed with frantic whispering. A few of his classmates were armed, on the off chance their after school activities would endanger then. It was a private University, expensive and posh, most of the high profile's kids attended here, a life of leisure and impunity spoiled most- a smaller minority of those enjoyed pushing limits and did things beyond petty theft and vandalism- and for that reason- being accoutered was a critical necessity.

James, was surrounded by death, Marie was caught in the crossfire in his attempted kidnapping

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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