The Suspicion

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Gumball walked to class and hoped miss Simian wouldn't notice his newfound red friends, "This is our classroom, brace yourselfs." he said as he hesitantly opened the door.

"Ugh, it smells like coffee and regrets in here.", Loona mumbled.

"OH MY SATAN WHAT IS THAT?!", Millie screamed, she was pointing at Miss Simian.

"Excuse me?", Miss Simian was annoyed at the tardy students, but pleased she had a good reason to put someone into detention.

"What my wife- I mean girlfriend?- er,.. friend meant to say was, we're sorry for being late.", Moxxie quickly avoided the drama whilst trying to not blow their cover

"Your ugly.", Blizø said unapologetic as ever

"WHAT?!" Miss Simian screamed, "DETENTION ALL OF YOU!!!"

"Well *bleep* you too", Blitzø replied


"What the heavens is going on in here, Lucy?!" A hair ball asked at least thats what the I.M.P could make out.


"How dare you disrespect my Lucy, detention now!" The man said

"Principal Brown, we're sorry these are new students they didn't know any better!" Darwin shrieked

"New students?" The man who's name was apparently Principal Brown, " I suppose I'll let it slide for now, do your work."

"BUT THEY!-" Miss Simian started but Principal Brown had already left "Never mind, TAKE YOUR SEATS!"

Gumball and Darwin went to sit in their seats

Loona sat in an empty space in the back
Millie sat next to Moxxie, they nudged their desks closer together
And Blitzø sat in the front for his "disrespectful attitude"

"I don't have a Disrespectful attitude" , Blitzø mumbled lunch...

"You guys are SO cool!" A transparent girl said to Millie Moxxie and Blitzø

"Thanks hon" , Millie said

The ghost floated away

"This hamburger looks mutated" , Loona groaned

"I'm sure it's not THAT bad!" Blitzø said

"Sure..", Loona was about to take a bite out of the hamburger but then

"Hey girl *whistles* *chirps* *blows raspberry*" a boy said

Immediately Loona punched him in the face with medium force and he fell to the ground
All the girls in the lunchroom clapped at the sight

They were heroes

{to be continued}

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