Mission Failed.

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"Sugawara-san you there?" Hinata asked knocking out a man who was dashing towards Kenma. "Yeah had a little hold up sorry." Suga responded in less then 5 seconds.  "Ok 645 678- WAIT WHO DISIGNED THESE DOOR MAPS!?" Akaashi whispered yelled "We don't need to know just find the door." Kyotani growled "Right......" Akaashi went back to searching. "Akaashi!" Kyotani whisper-yelled "Huh? Oh sorry I didn't know he was behind me...." Akaashi chuckled. 

"654.....680......666....wait....666!" Akaashi had said loudly but not loud enough for people to hear into his head set. "I feel like it's somebody watching me....." Suga whispered "Well it's probably just nerves." Kenma spoke while he took out the 9th camera. "Well Well Well my darling how are you baby?~" Came from Suga's ear piece "W-Wuh...D-D.....DAICHI!?" He yelled "KOSHI-KUN?!" Akaashi yelled back "No....No...No....NO!" Came also from Suga's ear piece "Well I didn't know you were coming how about we go talk?" And with that Suga's ear piece went out.

"Suga-san?" Yaku froze  "G-Guys it's something following me..." Akaashi interrupted  "What do you mean Akaashi?" Kenma's attention was now all over the ear piece "It looks like its....a owl man? Like it.....has gray-ish and white hair.....And yellow eyes......It's also taller then me.....and it.....h-has a owl like me....." Akaashi panted while he was running and hiding.

"BOKUTO KOUTARO LOOKS LIKE THAT!" Hinata noticed "Wait....you mean THE Bokuto Koutaro is following me?!" Akaashi shivered before his mic went out after a shocked noise "Oh no no no...what the fuck is that thing!?" Yaku whispered "What's what?!" Kenma was now terrified. "It's ....IT'S 6 FEET." Yaku screeched before covering his mouth "It's 6 feet!" Yaku whisper-yelled.

"Woah I didn't know roosters were here!" Hinata said "What do you.....THAT'S A PERSON SHOUYOU!" Kenma screeched before both of their ear pieces went out. "Welp I might as well di-" Yaku was cut off "What. the. fuck." Kyotani growled out. "Oh you waiting to get kidnapped?" Yaku said oh so casually "Yeah. No. I'll never get caught because I'm not a id-" His ear piece got cut off "Yep so now we wait for White-Haired Slender Man to find me!" Yaku said 4 minutes later his ear piece went out.

-With the other Gonta's +Atsumu-

"C'mon calm down Samuuu ya know how long I've.....well we've all wanted this ever since high school" Suna whined "That doesn't give ya the right ta touch ma brother!" Osamu shouted from the kitchen "He's ma future husband!" Suna said back "WOAH! WE ALL KNOW I'M THE FUTURE HUSBAND." Aran butted in "We're the future husbands." Kita announced "Wait what?- NO! NO ONES THE FUTURE HUSBAN' BESIDES ME." Osamu spoke proudly "Incest!? How scandalous!"  Suna joked "SHUDDUP!" Osamu huffed "C'mon guys we don't need to fight about this...like right in front of us!" Iwazumi entered "WELL TELL SUNA HE'S NOT GETTIN' WITH MA BROTHA AND IT'S FINAL" "WELL TELL OSAMU EITHER WAY I'M GETTIN' WITH TSUM TSUM!" "Tell Suna and Osamu if they yell in front o' me or Atsumu one more time I'll knock their lights out." Kita assured causing the 2 to quiet down.

"Yeah....Wait....WHERE IS ATSUMU!?" Iwazumi noticed "Hopefully gone." Oikawa said smirking before whimpering at Kita's pinch threat "Tsum- ATSUMU!" Osamu noticed his brother outside the door about to jump off the balcony before yanking him down almost getting hit by his thrashing he dragged him inside and sat him on the couch "Tsumu what's wrong?" Kita asked kneeling next to him.

"Saw Suga-san!" He replied watching all of there faces turn into complete shock "Not.....That one right?" Kita looked over to the shrugging Aran "C-Can you show me Suga?" Atsumu nodded lifting his hands and pressed them into praying motion before opening them sending a bright picture of a grey-haired man with brown eyes shorter then him and looked super sweet.

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