Two Weeks Later

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“J! What is wrong? Are you okay? Oh god Jolene, What is wrong?” Harry screamed at me through the phone. He has been like this ever since I got released from the hospital. He is always afraid the baby or I is in some sort of danger when I call him.

                “Calm down dear. God Harry can I seriously not just call you with some fucking good news. Fuck babe,” I answered back slightly angry, hoping this freaking out was going to be done soon.

                “Oh sorry J. Babe I just worry about you so much. I want to be with you but getting ready for tour is killing me. So what’s the good news?” He said slower and in a more relaxed tone.

                “Well Daddy Styles, you are going to love our son, he’s growing bigger every day. He’s kicking like crazy and they say I have to stay on basically bed rest until he is due. They still are a little worried that he is so small for being around five months along, but they say he seems very healthy,” I smiled wondering if he noticed that I gave away the gender of our baby. God saying OUR baby was still so weird, but Harry insisted. Of course it wasn’t his but at the same time he will always be the baby’s father.

                “We… we are having a boy!” Harry screamed for his band mates. I let my mind wander as he called out their names since I was still trying to remember who they were. I heard him say the names individually.

Niall, the sweet Irish boy. Oh what a damn cutie. When Harry told him about the baby, Niall seemed so happy, he was literally grinning from ear to ear. The whole time they were here he would bring me juice and cookies saying he wanted the baby to be chubby and cute. He also just absolutely loved playing guitar for us. He sang a beautiful Irish lullaby to my stomach the night before they left. I think I even saw Harry tear up.

                Liam, the sweet dork. He still would barely look at me. I found out he was the one who walked in on me and the other boy. I really wish he hadn’t. He is so sweet. When we told him about the baby, I thought he was going to cry. His face dropped, but he quickly brought it to a smile when Harry turned to him to hug him. The way his puppy dog eyes stared into mine, I just knew he felt sorry for Harry. He just kind of looked at my stomach and back up at me, when Harry pulled back. He smiled but I felt victimized somehow, like he was judging me so much that he couldn’t stand the thought of Harry with such a whore. I had to leave the room, claiming to Harry that the baby was kicking my bladder, making me have to pee. The next couple days with Liam were better. He introduced me to Danielle over Skype and her and I spoke for hours. She is one of my only true friends I think. She texts me constantly just to ask how I am feeling, she even sent me flowers.

                Zayn, the dark handsome mysterious one, and Louis, the super funny adorable one. When Harry told them I couldn’t help but notice the look my almost lover gave me. His eyes flipped to meet mine almost instantaneously. I looked down not wanting to meet them for long, as the memory filled my head again. So I finally knew the boys name as Harry tuned to me and pulled me forward.

                “See Lou. I told you she was beautiful. I really wish she hadn’t been ill when I tried to introduce you two the first time. You never got to even meet, but that was years ago,” Harry grabbed this boy and I and hugged us tight. Louis pulled back fairly quickly, but not so quick to startle Harry. Harry continued to hug me and that boy just stared into my eyes, smirking before turning to Zayn and explaining that they should give us some alone time. I watched as he led Zayn to the open door and began to close the door behind him. He stopped for only a moment to mouth the word “don’t” before shutting the door completely. I understood this to be a warning not to ruin not only my renewed relationship, but their friendship.

                Both Zayn and Louis introduced me to their girlfriends as well. I liked them but I think Louis must’ve told Eleanor what happened between him and I because she seemed very cold toward me and seemed almost upset at Louis and careful around Harry. Zayn’s girlfriend Perrie was sweet but we aren’t very alike so we had almost nothing to talk about. Zayn constantly touched my stomach and made jokes about my being pregnant and what Harry would be like as a father. I really didn’t take him as the funny guy at first but he really is. Harry was always talking about how close he and Lou were and it killed me inside. How could I have done that? I need to tell him, but not now. Plus the damn Tabloids had already outed Harry and I as a couple. He of course didn’t deny it this time and happily announced our relationship. We had decided to hide the baby for now until we could figure out how to say it best.

                “J? J? Are you still there baby? Sorry I just had to tell everyone,” Harry’s voice brought me back to reality.

                “Sure. Just thinking. I can’t wait to see you next week,” I said pulling myself together. I was telling him then since he would be alone.

                “Me neither babe. Love you and our son. Oh that’s so fun to say. SON!” He said almost giddy, “Got to go back to them now. Bye, have Gemma or mum kiss the belly for me!” I giggled and I clicked off. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to break it to him. I am going to ask Gemma. She will know what to do. God I hope she won’t hate me. My phone beeped. I looked down. Just more stuff from Harry’s fans. Follows on Twitter, some hate, some love, Oh look now we have a ship name. I laughed again. Our ship name is Jorry.

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