Chapter 5

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One week later

There was a soft knock at the door to Mai's bedroom but the teenager made no effort to move. She remained face down into her pillow as the door cracked open, nimble footsteps cautiously approaching. Judging by the lack of creaking in the floorboards, she made the safe assumption that it was her mother.

"Mai, sweetie, you can't stay up here forever. Come downstairs and eat with your father and I."

Mai turned on her side so she was able to get a clear view of her mother, "Am I a freak mom?"

The question seemed to stir up some surprise as her mother came to sit on the edge of her bed, "Why would you say such a thing?"

Mai snuggles closer to her mother, resting her head upon her lap. Why did she think she was a freak? Let's narrow it down, her history of seeing people who may or may not be there, the fact that her entire family history was one big cluster fuck, and you know, she was a by-product of an unofficial war. That shit weighed heavily on the mind. Let's not forget her recent encounters of seeing people that weren't really there. Her mind drifted, recalling faded images of a woman in white so long ago. Images of her other father.

Mai lifted her head momentarily as her mother scooched down to lay with her. Nayeli played with Mai's hair as they lay in silence, awaiting her response.

"I don't know." She finally peeped up.

Mai's eyes drifted just past Nayeli, for a brief moment, mistaking her coat hanging from the door as the man she had seen at Prosperity.

Her heart stopped but the feeling subsided, realizing she was just being paranoid, "Just feel it in my bones."

"Mai look at me," her mother placed her hand along her cheek, "Our family knows better than anyone else that there are ghosts from the old world that may still haunt this family-"

Nayeli raised Mai's chin so they were looking at each other directly, "-but don't you ever forget that you have your father and me here to protect you. Do you understand?"

Mai examined her mother's face; there was no hiding the worn look of a woman who had seen too much. Endured too much. Nayeli was always on the move with trying to get a trading post set up here, reminiscent of the childhood store she and her own mother shared; that or she was trading off hunting shifts with her father, ensuring that someone was always here with her. This was the first actual moment Mai could see just how much the Collapse had taken a toll on her. On both her parents really. Everything her mother and father did, they did for her.

"Yes mama." Mai finally piped up.

"That's my pup." Nayeli smiled, "Now come downstairs! Your father and I have something for you."

Mai followed behind her mother as they descended to the bottom floor. Mai had no clue exactly what the urgency was, but the moment her feet met the final step, it became clear. Her mother took up a spot by her father, however, they were not the only ones here. Multiple bodies littered the main floor: Uncle Sharky, his cousin Hurk Jr. raising their glasses of whatever mystery liquid they were drinking into the air. On the opposite side stood her Auntie Grace, as well as Carmina and her parents, Kim and Nick. Mai felt her face flush as all eyes were on her.

"Happy birthday!" they all shouted at once.

Mai could not restrain her smile, while at the same time groaning in agonizing embarrassment, "Mom, I told you I didn't want anything..."

"Oh don't look at me, this was your father's idea." Nayeli mused.

Her father had a look of feigned disbelief, "Sold out by my own wife. I'll remember this."

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