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(Perspective - Aias)

Stood on the catwalk of the Augury, overlooking the outer city, all Aias could hear were the screams of pain and torment sung throughout the land. Sounds of battle echoed all around him, the sky, black with smoke and lit with flames as far as he could see. Soldiers and guards rushed past as they raced to the next battle and horns sounded a retreat to the inner walls.

"We must hurry!" cried Serena as Aias pulled himself from his stupor. Yes, he thought, there are more important things than the city right now! Quickly donning his cloak, he rejoined the rest of the assemblage as they ran along the bailey. Chaos drenched the kingdom as Aias and the rest of the wizards desperately ran through the bedlam. As they passed through a donjon they heard a ghastly screech and looking up they watched as a flying beast of the undead was speared through by a ballista, its griffon-like body curled up into a fetal position as it lost all its will to fly. Eliza stood in front of the group and raised her arms, conjuring a massive, magical barrier as the incredible corpse barreled towards their location. With a crunch the beast splattered against the translucent blue shield before falling off the wall and down below. Pieces of old, decrepit flesh rained from the sky. In a moment, Eliza collapsed, drained of her power and a low rank mage rushed forward, catching her.

"Forget me, Go! You must stop Zelrith!" With a nod, the group continued on leaving their comrade behind. As the group came down a staircase and stepped foot onto the main road, the redoubt down the street burst apart as the undead army charged through the soldiers garrisoned there. In mere moments the entire main street erupted into battle as the mages and the kingdom's soldiers fought the endless horde of skeletons and demons. Spells and arrows flew through the air as every inch of ground was fought over like dogs. Aias was confronted by two skeletons donned in leather armour as they held their sabres against him. Pulling out his dagger he dodged one of their blows as he struck his hand forth at its neck, watching as his blade severed the magical connection that gave it life. Quickly, he parried the other foes' swipe and found his footing as he watched one of his comrades fall to the foe just a few feet away, their purple robe stained red with blood. The skeleton charged at Aias as he ducked and released a ball of fire from his hand point blank into the skeletons chest, blowing it apart and sending its bones flying everywhere. Though he could take a breather, the battle was long from over yet corpses of his brothers and sisters, who studied next to him lifelong, littered the ground. Already, nearly half of their number had been cut down by the scourge and yet the enemy still fought with plenty.

"Aias, look out!" In his neglect, he had not seen another cartilaginous foe come up from behind him until it was too late to avoid its strike. Aias braced as the enemy raised its blade but the attack did not come. As he looked he found a blade made of shadows protruding through its chest, the hilt being held by his close friend Leon.

"Aias, you fool! This is no time to get distracted! Come, we have a purpose to fulfill!"

"Of course, thank you my friend" Regaining his composure, Aias returned to the fight. Several minutes of deadly bloodshed ensued until a reactionary force of elite Tririon Knights, armed in their thick, steel armour came in from the West to help hold the critical strategic point. As the enemy's numbers began to thin the remaining members of Wizards Guild were able to regroup and continue onwards to their destination. As they went along the streets, they fought wave after wave of the invading army. They passed through burning houses and the dead littered the ground. The enemy didn't spare anyone, soldiers, civilians, women... children... Only about a quarter of the original 117 members of the Guild were following them now and Aias's heart ached as he realized they were all either lost or worse, dead, slain by the evil ones. Finally they came upon a large stone building surrounded by a stone parapet. The building looked like a monastery with a grand courtyard in front. The building was old, ancient even, yet was decently taken care of.

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