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Listen to the above while reading...it's beautiful....

Somewhere over the rainbow

I can try

somewhere over the rainbow

I have peace

somewhere over the rainbow

I can tell

somewhere over the rainbow

is a living hell.....

somewhere over my Rainbow

once was love

and it was kept a secret

so we could be free

no one to keep us apart

and we were happy

now somewhere over my rainbow

is pain

and hatred

and judgement

and death

and rape

and I just want to be loved

and I want to find the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow

but I'm told I am wrong to look

and there is merely pain at the end

and damnation

I want to be loved

and I want to be free

but somewhere over the rainbow

someone wants me to be unhappy

and alone

or with someone I can never be attracted to

cause they say the rainbow lies

and the yellow brick road is full of cracks

and there is nothing but hate

and that I am wrong to look over the rainbow

and I need to stay in this cold grey world

and never think of the rainbow

even if I am alone and unhappy for the rest of my days

The rainbow will never make me happy

I'm just going through a phase

and when I'm over it

I'll realize that there is nothing over the rainbow

and this cold grey normal reality

is what I truly want

For the rainbow leads to pain

and heartache

and I'll never be happy

If I look for the rainbow

I will only be saddened

and find more pain


Somewhere over the Rainbow

Those skies are blue

and the grey will disappear

and I can be happy again

Somewhere over the rainbow

is love

and peace

with someone beautiful

Somewhere over the rainbow

I will find my happiness

I will find my love

Over the rainbow

is truth

and honesty

Even if the rainbow is a secret

Over that rainbow lies my happiness...

I have struggle greatly with prejudice and discrimination and....as trite as it may seem.....if women with men can find love.....Why oh why can't I?

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