Start of izukus life

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Izuku POV:
Hi my names izuku I'm 19 years but today I'll be telling you the story of my life up to 5 years old till 19 so let's get started I live in America in a house full of people I have 9 siblings and 2 dads I get bullied by kids in my class so I don't rlly have any friends except a few but I'll list them in a different chapter of my life I have 5 different quirks but people in my class think I'm quirkless since I don't use my quirks around people I only use them if needed but so far I didn't have to use them anywhere I have an eating disorder that my parents do not know about I take the food up to my room and when everyone is finished there food and are somewhere else I sneak my food back to the kitchen and throw it away I do have a bin in my room but they would notice I threw it away straight away since I don't have a lid on my bin but the kitchen one does, anyway I'm the middle child amongst my siblings but I get treated the same as anyone else in my family i have my own room and bathroom and a walk in closet I do cut... and vape.. I know dangerous but I only started when I was about 16 i am an insomniac that LOVES coffee I'm also In love with cats 🐈‍⬛ and bunnies 🐰 I've got 2 cats and 2 bunnies there in my room in cages but sometimes I'll let them out and feed them or just let them run around with my door closed and stuff covering under my bed I do have one of those thoft beds that look like this

(The pink is a light green and the desk is a green marble with white design and he has a tone of books 📚 cause he likes to read)

Anyway I'll skip to when I'm 10 years old I was in middle school then and that's were I met my childhood best friend/bully he started bullying me when I told him I was quirkless even tho I wasn't but I only knew Half of my quirk(s) so yer I learnt to deal with it and soon enough he got my whole class to hate me I'll skip to high school that was when I was 13-16, 16 is when I finished high school (yes I did do math in my head but I'm NOT smart so I don't know if it's correct 😂)
But anyway kacchan was there and started bullying me again and soon enough he got once again the whole class to hate me they all started bullying me except a few my 'boyfriend' and my 'friends' I know my 'friends' were talking behind my back and my 'boyfriend' was cheating on me with my so called best friend I found out pretty soon and just left him my so called best friend didn't care one bit when I turned 15 I was leaving everybody out and started working to support my parents and siblings I got a job as a cafe worker my boss and the employees weren't the nicest I would get my a** slapped or looked at and it was pretty uncomfortable but that wasn't the worst thing I got r⛔️ped multiple times by my boss... but I couldn't leave or tell my family when I turned 16 and left high school I had the guts to leave my boss and get another job but this time I brought my own cafe and hired workers who were gay,bi,lesbian, and so on it's called the 'friendly cafe' i have told my parents about this and my siblings and they come here ever so often to help me cook, clean, or close up I haven't gone to college but I might be planning to after I turn 18-19.

Words: 686

Srry this chapter is so short but I'm going to have to do different chapters

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